Add/Edit Model
This is where you add/edit a model. The information provided here will cascade down to all units that are associated with this model id number. Please only include usage classes and common features that apply to all models. The user will be able to add extras when inputting the unit into the system (stocking in). Depending on the main inventory type, not all fields below will be shown.

Form Fields:
1. Id - The id is an auto generated number that is controlled behind the scenes. This number is how we tie a single model to all of the attributes selected.

2. Make - This is pulled in from the models homepage. If this needs to be altered, contact a system administrator or delete the model and recreate the correct make/model relationship.

3. Model Name/Number - This is the model name or model number. It has a max of 50 chars and a min of 1 char.

4. Num Sort - This is a numeric sort number that helps with sorting units and stock numbers. This allows the model name/number to be whatever it needs to be and still have the ability to sort things according to their numeric sort order.

5. Model Width - This is mostly for trailers and should be the feet that a trailer is wide or its width. Use 0 for toppers, vehicles, etc.

6. Model Length - This is mostly for trailers and should show the feet in length or how long the trailer is. Use 0 for other inventory types that don't need a length.

7. Empty Weight - This is an optional field and allows the user to input an empty weight value. Max of 25 chars.

8. Gross Weight - This is how much can the unit or model hold when fully loaded. This is an optional field. Max of 25 chars.

9. Model Status - The status field will only show up on the edit mode. All models that are correct should have the status of "Active - Show". All models that are incorrect should be deleted. If deleting a model, select the delete status and click the submit button. If the model is assigned to a unit in inventory (Inv, Sold, and Deleted Status), you must change that model id number to the correct one before deleting the current model. Basically, no other units can be using the model id number if you want to delete it from the list. There is a special link on the models homepage that allows for changing model numbers and model clean-up.

10. Common Features - The common features are the details of the model. These values help in standardizing the input of new units. Anything that has a check by it, will be added to the new units that use the same model upon stocking the unit in. The values are editable on the add mode. There is an add/edit link to help you switch between add/edit models and add/edit common features. Please only check options that are standard for each model. Leave the extras to the user who inputs the unit or stock number.

11. Usage Classes - The usage classes are reasons the model or unit is used or could be used. Check all that apply. These values don't show up on the add process of a new unit but may be used for searching by function. There is a link to help manage the usage types.