Models Homepage
This is the main homepage for models. All model related sub features and operations can be done through this page. The page is divided into three major sections. The top has a number of navigational links to help with model related tasks. The top form or add section is the start of the add process. The bottom form will search for alll models for a single make. The results will be show below the bottom search form.

To manage, view, add, or edit the common features, click on the link near the top of the page. The common features are the things that come standard on the model. There is additional help within that section.

To manage, view, add, or edit the usage classes, click on the link at the top of the page. Usage classes are reasons why or how people use their equipment. There is additional help within that section.

To clean-up model numbers, click the link at the top of the page that deals with changing model numbers. Here you can select incorrect makes and models and reassign them to the correct values. Additional help is available in that section.

To add a new model, choose the make from the list provided and then click on add new model button.

To edit a model and its info, first do a search for the models by make. Once the records are returned, click the model name to go to the edit page. You can sort the models by model name/number or by the numeric num_sort value.