Special Accounts Setup
This is the main setup page for special accounts. The technical name is sub special accounts but most people leave off the word sub. The reason it is a sub section is that it may (not required) be tied into a balance sheet item. A balance sheet items is one of the 12 main application players inside the system. As a sub of that, it virtually inherits certain values and options.
These are not all of the sub special accounts, but this should give you a good idea of what they could do and/or be:
The reason we call them sub accounts is there is a general account (that you get to name) and then we allow all kinds of sub assignments or sub accounts. For example: Say you have a special account called "Gift Cards". Underneath that special account you may have gift cards for Sally, Mary, Joe, and Mike (just an example). The system needs a way to group them, meaning the upper level of gift cards. It also needs to track individual details on a per person basis. Hopefully that makes sense. Use the form at the top to select the special account. Once selected, you will be able to name it and set its status. The status value is very important. If set to active, it becomes available immediately. If set to inactive, it will be hidden and/or dormant. Only one main account type per corporation. You may have multiple sub accounts under that main, but each main special account may only be turned on/off once. Once a value is added to the database, you will have links to edit it, turn it on/off, edit any of the rules, and view the underlying sub transactions. If you ever need to check histories and/or do manual entries (add or edit), click on the view transactions link. Those options may be done from that area. The other note that is needed for this page and section deal with the assigned balance sheet number. By default, the number is set to 0 or undefined or unassigned. Once a valid number is tied into the special account, the details and summary of the special account will be available from that balance sheet item. In a way, the sub details and transactions of these special accounts will virtually populate the values of the underlying balance sheet items. In a technical way, we sometimes refer to these auto filling processes as watchers, feeders, and triggers. Without getting too technical, if a valid user-maintained balance sheet number is assigned, the summary of the transactions based on the look-back date will be available on that balance sheet item. |