Logos, Alternate Images, & Watermarks
This is a special help file to help with look and feel for the Adilas sites. There are three main parts that need some additional information. They are: main logos, alternate logos, and background watermarks. Here is some info on these pieces:

Main logos: This helps brand your site with your company logo. The Adilas classic skin uses a square logo placeholder by default. The width is 83 x 83 pixels. The logo graphic image may be a jpeg (.jpg), a .png, or a .gif file. The default logo is located at the following path "../images/default_logo.gif". It is a small house with the word home by it. Pretty generic.

Alternate Images: Optional - The alternate images came into play as we started moving away from the Adilas classic skin and opened up more look and feel options. This is where you may put logo images that don't have to be square. If used, they will be used instead of the square logos (except for certain places in the system where it is hardcoded to use the square logo). These images may be a jpeg (.jpg), a .png, or a .gif file. The images may be in landscape or portrait formats. We recommend that you stay within the 160 x 160 (pixels) range. This could be 50 x 150 or 120 x 80 or whatever. You get the idea. Once again, if used, the alternate image will be used instead of the main square logo except for a couple places.

Background Watermarks: Optional - The background watermarks are a great way to put a bigger watermark or softer branding graphic throughout the entire site. The watermark will show up on every page and helps give the page a flavor or some extra color. These images may be a jpeg (.jpg), a .png, or a .gif file. We actually recommend a .png file due to the fact that you can make the background transparent. This really helps to blend the colors between the watermark and the actual background color. The size of the watermark images could be much larger and usually are 800 to 1200 pixels wide and 500 to 1200 pixels tall. Here are some basic samples:


The logos will need to be uploaded into the images folder by an administrator. If you have questions, please contact a system administrator. Send your logos to: support@adilas.biz. Once they are posted online and tied in to your site, the administrator will let you know.

If you don't have a logo or don't know how to size it... no problem, just send it to us and we will get it posted for you at no extra cost. If we make you look good, it makes us look good! :)