Bulk Move Tool for PO's
This is the help file for the bulk move tool for PO's. Each PO has two primary pieces. They are called the main and the line items. Each PO gets assigned to a single location. Both the main and line items are mapped to a certain location. If the main location is changed, it automatically will update the line items. What the bulk tool does is moves more than one PO at a time.
In the background, the main and line items will be moved to the new location. This makes the PO appear that it resides or physically exists in the new location. This also give the appearance that the PO has been moved out of the old location and no longer exists there. Most normal PO's don't move locations. This function is kinda special and is designed to help show movement through a process. The page is setup in a two step process. Step one is where you choose the PO type (as a filter) and set the move from location. Once the search results are returned, step two deals with selecting which PO's to move. By default, the search results, if any, will be unchecked. This means nothing will happen unless the individual PO's are checked. Only checked PO's will be moved. If there are more than three PO's, there may be a special helper checkbox that says "select/deselect all". If present, this special checkbox will help to check or uncheck all existing checkboxes. The final step in the process is choosing the to or move to location. This field is located at the bottom of the page after step one (the search) has been completed. Once the button called "move the po's" is clicked, the page will process the request and then automatically reroute you back to the step one section. This choose and process loop will continue until you decide to leave the loop. By way of a note, if you want part of a PO to go to one place and part to another place, you will want to split the PO's up using the duplicate and copy tools. Please keep each PO location specific. It will cause problems in the system if a single PO has line items in more than one location. Please honor that. Thanks! :) |