MMJ Operations
This is a special page that was designed by Steve Berkenkotter for the MMJ Industry. The page is setup to help you see what is going on at a glance. The page is split up into different mini reports of sorts. The top section deals with patients (customers). The next section deals with sales and invoices. The next section deals with PO requests and what is in the wings (plant counts or items coming in or items in process). The bottom section deals with inventory items (parts) and what is at each dispensary (location).
Use the links provided to jump to the sections that you would like to explore deeper. There is also a use date form at the top of the page that allows you to flip some of the data values around. As a note, the PO requests (plant counts) don't go back in time, but all other sections will adjust as the master use date changes. Tip: If you know how to make bookmarks or browser favorites... This would be a good page to add to your favorites. |