Admin Timecard Reports
This report shows the results of your search criteria passed in from the main admin time clock page. This report can show different departments, different users, and different dates. The report is limited to your corporation.
If you need to edit a timecard, click on the links provided within the body of the report (actual time stamps). This will take you to the edit timecard page. Once the changes have been made, the timecard will be stamped with your name, date, and actions taken to help with the history. Anything that is unfinished will have "..." instead of real data. If needed, you may clock a user out of the system once they have clocked in. Once again, a history note will added to the timecard. If the timecard has a flag by it, this means that it has been modified and has a history. Click on the link to view the history. If shown, the IP addresses (numeric web address) are where the clock in/out occurred. The IP address is a special number that is assigned to each computer as you browse the Internet. Many times the IP address is called your network id number. If you click on the actual IP address (once shown), the system will send you to an outside page that will try to do a look-up of the IP address value. An IP address will look something like this: (four sets of numbers and dots). TIP: The in and out dates must be the same date. The math that is done on the timecards assumes that the in and out dates are the same. That allows the system to calculate things on the fly (just looking at differences in time instead of differences in both dates and times). They, the dates and times, are actually stored in different fields and thus the difficulty in comparing multiple fields on the fly. If the same date is not recorded, an error will be thrown when processing for payroll and you will be required to fix the date issue before the payroll will calculate correctly. |