Add/Edit Customer Queue Record
This is the edit page for the customer queue records. Most of the fields below are un-editable and set behind the scenes. The following is a list of fields and what they do and what they allow.
1. Daily Counter # - This is a number that gets set behind the scenes. Every day the counter will start over at one (1) and increase as needed. 2. Customer Id - Required. This is how the queue knows what customer to tie to. The value of 1 is used for unassigned or a non-customer records. If a real customer is used, this field will hold the actual id number for that customer. If you need to change the customer assignment for some reason, this is where you would need to do it. Just make sure and enter the correct id number and submit the form. Remember, that a value of 1 makes the record a non-customer assigned record. 3. Start Date/Time - This is set behind the scenes and is the main starting time stamp for the record. As a note, the auto clean-up will look at this value to watch for the amount of time lapsed. If more time is needed, a link saying "keep alive - extend" will open up another field (reset date) that allows for the record to remain open. You may extend a record as many times as needed. 4. Active Reset Date/Time - Optional. This field will only show up if an extension has been requested on the start date/time stamp. If shown, this will be the new virtual start time from where the auto clean-up function will look for roll out. Once again, this value may be extended as often as needed. To do this, click the reset or keep alive link provided. Basically, this will move the reset date to the current date/time and then the auto clean-up function will go from there. 5. Started By - This is who originally created the queue record. This is controlled behind the scenes. 6. Queue Type - Required. Choose from the list provided. This is the type or category for what the record is doing or has done. By default, the first value will be set to "starting/waiting", once an action occurs (start new cart), it will be changed to different values along the way. If for some reason, the system marks the record as finished or closed and you want to get it back, just change this type to something like "in progress" or "pending/other" and it will show back up in the queue. As a note, the value of "started/waiting" is the only type that actually plays with the auto clean-up rate. Hence, if you want to get a record back in to the queue, choose something like in progress or pending/other not started/waiting as the auto clean-up will effect it again. 7. Action Date/Time - This value is set behind the scenes and is modified once the record goes from a general starting position to the next step. This could be something like starting a cart for a person or something like that. 8. Action Done By - This is who took the record to the next level or who is servicing the customer. 9. Finished Date/Time - This is also recorded behind the scenes and helps put an end or closure to the record. The system is setup to help track this date/time stamp for things like invoices, quotes, and elements of time. 10. Finished By - This is who did the final action or actually created the quote, invoice, or element of time. 11. Main Action Id Number(s) - Once finished, this is where the system records the invoice number, the quote number, or the element of time id number. The default is 0's (zeros) until actually used. Once used, an active link will be provided to help you jump to the final result. 12. Notes - Optional. The queue notes allow you to help tell the story or describe the event or customer. It could be technical information or more basic info like lady with two kids, guy with a hat on, sat at table # 25, etc. The max is 255 characters and minimum is 0 or leave blank. As a side note, this notes field is searchable. 13. Queue Status - Required. This is how you turn the record on or off. Active is on and inactive is off. A value of inactive will make it virtually disappear unless specifically asked for. |