Refine The Customer Payments Search
This page is provided to help you filter the invoice payments for a single customer. The form has two main sections. The top will run a filter against the main invoices. The bottom section deals with the actual invoice payments. None of the fields are required. The more you enter, the tighter your results.

Note: This search form is a small sub set of the advanced invoice search page. The advanced search page has three different search forms. The search forms on the advanced search page are for the main invoices (top form), the line items search (middle form), and the invoice payments search (bottom form). If you would like more filters and/or controls over payments, use the 3rd or bottom search form on that page. Both this search and the actual advanced payment search go to the same results page. The main difference between this simple form and the more advanced form is that this one (small filter page) is limited to a single customer and the more advanced one is open to any and all customers. There are also a few more filters on the advanced search page.

If you have the admin permission over invoices, there will also be options (from the advanced search form) to export any and all of the data to a Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet) format. Currently there are five different report exports to the Excel format. They are main invoice details, main invoice groups, invoice line item details, invoice line item groups, and invoice payments. If you don't have access to a Microsoft Office product license (which includes excel), we recommend a FREE software solution called or view a help file with more info.