Bulk Sort - My Cart Favorites
This page is designed so that you will be able to see and tell what each button or cart favorite does. There are a number of links and fields that are available for each item. Some of the most important links per button are the "edit" link and the "assign/update photo" link if your button is a photo button. This is where you get in to the underlying details of what it looks like and what it does.

If you are changing the favorite categories, grouping, sort order, status, or custom pricing numbers, make sure that each field has a valid number in it. If not, the system will abort and throw an error. A valid sort number is from 1 to something (that means really big).

The my cart favorites has the following master sort criteria:

1. The my favorite category sort number.
2. The my favorite category name (a-z).
3. The individual button or favorite sort number.
4. The button name or line one value of the favorite (a-z).

This page may also contain more than one submit button (for doing the bulk sort update). All of the buttons do the same thing. They are there to help you not have to scroll all the way to the top or bottom of the page.

If you have more than one group assigned to your buttons, there will be a filter by group option at the top of the page. If that filter exists (dynamic and only shows up if you are using groups), there are also ways of showing everything by changing the filter back to all or just top level - standalone buttons.

If you are looking for your inactive buttons, use a link on the top of the page that says "view all - including inactive buttons". The link will switch to "view only active buttons" once the page is in the show all mode. That is how you get back to just seeing the active buttons.