Receive PO Page - Bulk Flip Quantities
This page is a helper page to convert a PO request into an actual "Normal" or "Live" PO with real quantities and real costs. The page is divided into two main parts, the top is general PO info and the bottom is a bulk update form for the line items. There is a small checkbox that will take all requested quantities and will flip the exact original numbers (request quantities) over to the received quantity column. The page is also set up to look and watch for changes. If something changes, a quantity and/or extended cost, the application will do a bulk update and record the data.

The normal cost field is blocked on purpose. Use the extended cost field instead. The extended cost field is the total per line item (quantity times cost equals extended). This way the application will back into the actual cost by doing some math for you. This helps the system account for any possible rounding errors (in case you are splitting hairs).

If you need more detail or need to change something specific, we recommend that you do your updates line by line and that way you get the exact details that you need. This page is set up to help do general updates on quantities and extended costs in bulk.