View Flex Grid Tie-Ins
This is a standalone flex grid tie-in report. This report is for a single main application item (main player) and all of the flex grid tie-ins that are associated with the main item (assignments). This is also where you are able to view all line items (pieces or assignments), including transparent line items. There may be admin only line items that are still hidden, but that deals with permission levels. Basically, everything that is tied to the main item or host will show up on this report.
If you need to filter the results or records, use the "filter results" button at the top. This will take you to the main flex grid homepage. The cool thing about the filter results button is that it will pass in the main id number and the main application type (player group) to the search page. This is like a smart filter and it will help the system know that you are only dealing with the records you are currently looking at. Once on the filter or search page, you may filter and search on dates, custom fields, notes, etc. Tons of options. In a nut shell, if you need more search options or want a smaller subset of the data, click on the filter results button. As a bonus, the filtered results may also be exported to Excel if needed. General Information on the Flex Grid Tie-In Application: The reason we call this mini application the "flex grid" or "flex grid tie-in" is due to the dynamic nature of what it can do. Think of a giant virtual buddy system. Basically, we have determined 12 main application tie-in items (main players). They include deposits, invoices, PO's, expense/receipts, user-maintained balance sheet items, stock/units, customers, vendors, employees, part numbers, elements of time, and quotes. Each of these 12 main items or players may be tied to any other item(s) (12 sub tie-ins or sub buddies) in the system. This creates a 12 x 12 main to sub id number tie-in interface. This interface is dynamic and may be set up as a 1 to many relationship. We then take each main type (12 main system player types) and allow for 30 custom dynamic field names or titles (extra fields per main player type). Basically, this is a section that is maintained on a per corporation basis. The corporation has up to 30 custom flex fields that they can name and use as needed. This brings the flex grid to a 12 x 12 x 30 interface. Along with all of the options already mentioned, we also include a number of general fields that may be used with each piece of flex grid (individual assignments) as part of the tie-in. The general fields include a date, an amount, searchable notes, a barcode, a relationship type, show/hide options (printable or internal use only), admin only settings, and a tie-in to a location. With over 40+ fields, the results and reports will only show the fields that have actual data in them. This helps to keep things clean and tight. In a way, the flex grid tie-ins are a transparent relationship builder from one main application type to any other item in the database (aka an advanced buddy system). The number of tie-ins is unlimited and totally user-maintained. If you have any redneck blood in your veins, this is like duct-tape and bailing twine for the application. This mini application will help to hold anything together. If you are more of the business-type person, think of the flex grid tie-ins as a giant library of contacts, links, options, networks, and resources. The flex grid tie-ins can and will maintain parent/child relationships, additional tie-ins, special hand holding with other items, custom details, and much more. If you would like to see a graphic about the flex grid and learn more about it, click here. |