Simple Parts Search
This is the special simple parts search page. The page is designed to help you add line items to an invoice or PO after they have been created. Another advantage of this page and search function is that the application will help look-up the vendor, cost, price, and the description of each part number. This makes the add process even easier.

If you are adding a PO line item, there will be a link for adding a basic item (very simple) or adding an advanced line item. The difference between the basic and the advanced is how items are entered into the system. The basic form does simple math by taking a quantity times a cost to get an extended cost. The advanced page allows for mini conversions, rounding error, and special math help. Both forms end up in the same place and may be switched from one to another without any problems.

The page is divided into two main parts. The top is the parts search form and the bottom is the search results. Feel free to search as many times as needed if you need to filter the records. Once the results are returned, click on the [add as line item] link to go to the next page. The next page will be the mini standalone add form for the line item.