Add/Edit Recipe Line Items
This is the main add/edit page for recipe line items. This page is quite flexible and will handle entries for both build and sell (invoice groups) and build and hold recipes (internal build po's). The page will also do a two-step process when in the add mode and a single step when in the edit mode.
Step 1 in the add mode is basically a parts search. Once the results are returned, click on the link to use that part number or item as the a recipe line item. At that point, the page will advanced to step 2 and will allow values and settings to be placed or set. As a note: All part numbers must already exist in the system before being used. It is possible that you may need to do a setup or prep PO to get the items into the system. Use a $0.00 PO to get the pieces to show up if needed (set the main to $0.00, and bring in the new items at a 0 quantity and a cost). Without losing the purpose of this page, this is a prep step and must be done through the normal PO flow and process if the wanted part number or item does not exist in the system. A new PO may be added from the PO homepage. Here are the fields and their requirements for step 2: 1. Line Id - This is an auto generated number that is controlled behind the scenes. 2. Recipe Number - This is the recipe number of the main recipe. This is the link that connects the main recipe to the ingredients or line items. 3. Recipe Type - This is the recipe type and will dictate how the recipe is used. A build and sell recipe will populate an invoice shopping cart with pre-selected values. A build and hold recipe will take raw goods and effect inventory and come up with a valid output or end product. 4. Vendor - This is the vendor name of the part number being used. 5. Part Number - This is the part number of the current line item or ingredient. 6. Part Id - Required. This is the key id number for the part you are trying to use. If this number is changed, the vendor and part number fields will also be changed. This is how the recipe knows what part to pull from the database and from the inventory. The value must be numeric. To edit this field, search for the desired part, record the actual part id number, and then replace it here. This will then serve as the new line item part number. 7. Line Type - Required. This value is fixed on a build and sell but may be changed on a build and hold recipe. If using a build and sell recipe, the only option is ingredient. If using a build and hold recipe, this option will control whether or not the line item is an ingredient or an output (finished goods). 8. Quantity - Required. This is the number of items that will be used in the build for this line item. Use only numbers and decimals. Hint: If you want to pre-load an extra option, but you don't always need it, set the default quantity to 0.00 and then allow the users to apply a real value if needed. If they don't change it from the original 0.00, the application will just skip it. However, if you do provide a quantity during the build prep step, it will show up in the order you displayed it. The quantity has a max of five (5) decimals. 9. Cost - There are three possible options for costing out the part. These values may change depending on the recipe type. The options are current cost (do a database look-up for that part), set to 0.00 (manual set to 0.00), and use calculated cost (this only works on output on a build and hold recipe). 10. Price - There are four possible options for pricing. These options will be hidden on a build and hold recipe. The options are current price (do a database look-up for that part), set to 0.00 (manual set to 0.00), use cost (do a database look-up and set equal to the cost of the item), and fixed or custom price (you set the value). The fixed cost allows up to five (5) decimals. 11. Price/Cost Field Settings - Required. This setting will change between price and cost depending on the receipt type. The field will deal with the price field on the build and sell recipes. It will deal with the cost field on build and hold recipes. The actual setting will either open or close the price/cost field during the build prep. If allowed to be open, the user will be able to interact with the price/cost fields. If forced close, the user will be forced to use the pre-set price/costing settings for the recipe. Basically, the setting either opens or closes possible tweaks by the user when the build process is being used. 12. Line Description - This is only available for build and sell recipes. The options are use the default description or use a custom description. If using a custom description, the field is required and may hold up to 255 chars. 13. Default Tax Category - This is only for build and sell recipes. Set the default tax category to help the cart build faster. This value is editable once the item(s) are placed in the shopping cart. 14. Line Hide/Show - Required. This is a setting to help the ingredients either show up or be hidden in a build and sell recipe (invoice group). Any item may be visible, however, only items with a $0.00 price may be hidden. The cost and quantity may still contain a value but the price must be set to 0.00 in order to work. Even if a line item (ingredient) is hidden, it is still attached to the invoice and will only be shown when asked for. This allows for all sorts of flexibility such as additional instructions, expandable list of ingredients, or real costing even when hidden. Hint: If you plan on creating a recipe that has a number of options or extras, set the show/hide value to show and set the quantity to 0.00. Then if it is used, it will already show up on the invoice or shopping cart. If it is not needed, the quantity of 0.00 will remove it from the current build. 15. Line Sort - Required. This is the sort value for the line items. It is ok to leave at a value of 100 and the recipe will be sorted by the line id (when it was created). However, if you wish to alter the sort, this is where you may do it. 16. Status - Required. This will only show up in edit mode. This is how you make a line item active or inactive. If active, it will show on the recipe. If inactive, it will be removed from the recipe. 17. Line Notes. Optional. This is an optional field that allows line specific notes and directions. The max is 255 characters. |