Recipe - Build Prep
This is the build prep page for the recipes. This is where you check and change values before actually doing the build (applying line items to the invoice group or internal build po). Use the form provided to check and alter any of the ingredients and/or output values. Any ingredient with a valid quantity will be used in the build. A valid quantity is a numeric value that is not set to 0 or 0.00. Both positive and negative numbers are allowed as valid values. Any alterations to this page will only be stored with the current build (usage of the recipe). The original recipe will not be altered.
The description fields are editable and will pass the info you type to the next step (cart or po). Depending on how your recipe was setup, there may also be options to change the final saleprice and/or final costs for build outputs. If you would like to change all of the quantities at once, use the yield multiplier form field at the top. The page will then take the current cost, price, and quantity times the multiplier and will show the new quantities and extended math. Once again, use a 0 quantity to skip any ingredient or line item in the build process. The up and down arrow buttons will affect the quantity fields. A single click will help the quantity go up or down by one unit. If you need to make a major jump, you could always use the yield multiplier at the top or simply use your keyboard to enter the correct quantities. Tip: This is somewhat advanced, but technically, you could have a number of options listed with a 0 quantity as the default quantity. You could then pick and choose which of the options were real or being used and then only activate those items (make the quantity something besides the default 0 value). This allows for what we call pre-built options or add-on's. A simple kitchen recipe example might be: Say the main recipe was for cinnamon rolls. The main ingredients would make the rolls and add the normal options. You could then have a number of extra items such as nuts, raisins, apple shreds, different icing types (regular or cream cheese), etc. These extras would come in with a default value or quantity of zero but could be activated as needed by simply changing the quantity field (using your keyboard or the up and down arrow fields). Having the other possible options attached to the recipe allows for greater flexibility during the build process. |