Add/Edit Reoccurring Invoice
This page will act as both the add and edit page for a single reoccurring invoice item. A reoccurring item consists of a master invoice number (what to duplicate) and the date assignments.
Please note that this page will act differently when in add mode compared with edit mode. If you have a question about what mode the page is in, check the caption on the main submit button. It should say add or edit. Here is a list of fields and what is required. 1. Customer Name - This is the customer name of who is assigned to the master invoice. This may not show up in add mode. 2. Reoccurring Invoice Id - This is the auto number and key id for the items. This value is controlled behind the scenes. 3. Master Invoice - Required. This is the invoice number of the invoice to duplicate. When duplicating an invoice, all of the customer info, main invoice info, amount, line items, additional customers, etc. will be duplicated. All new payments will be added as "on account" payments with a $0.00 figure in the amount field. The only fields that are not duplicated exactly are the invoice date, non-printing invoice notes, printable notes, and payment notes. These values have a field on the process multi page where new or updated values may be added. If for some reason the master changes (price, costs, or line items), you are allowed to change this master invoice number at any time. All it does is tell the application where to get the data from. 4. Time Period - Required. Choose an option from the list provided. The default is monthly. The setting you choose here will determine what other settings (below) you will need to provide. 5. Weekday - Only required if the time period is weekly. Use this field to set what day of the week you do your billing. 6. Day of Month - Required on all date settings except for weekly. Choose a number between 1 and 31 to set the specific day of the month. 7. Month - Only required if the time period is annual. This field allows annual billing to be set for a certain month in the year. The other required field for annual time period is day of month. 8. Reoccurring Status - This will only show up in edit mode. The status is how you hide or show a reoccurring invoice item. If the status is set to active (show), it will be show up when assigned. If it is set to inactive or hidden, it will not show up for roll call on the reminder date. The status may be switched on or off at any time. This is also how you manage which customers are in your billing cycle. Depending on add or edit mode, the fields below this point will be somewhat different. In add mode, the field will say "set first date" which is required and is basically the first assignment date or first reminder date when action is needed. In edit mode, the field will say "change next action date". This is where you would change the next assigned reminder date. This is also where you can push the reminder up or down (date wise) to whatever date is needed. Say for example, you have a reminder date set for the 15th of the month. The customer comes in and prepays for three months. Instead of having this invoice show up on the next assigned date, go to this page and edit the date so that the next reminder doesn't show up until the three months are over. This is where you manage your "next" action or assignment dates. Also in the edit mode, there will be a small history of the recent activity of the reoccurring invoice item. It is limited to five previous entries and will continue to roll in the last five duplications using the reoccurring system. |