Reoccurring Invoice Homepage
This is the reoccurring invoice homepage. The page is setup in two different parts. The top section has a quick search where you provide the date range for the results. The reoccurring invoice results will show up below that. By default the date range will be a two week window with one week being in the past and one week being in the future. The date range may be changed to whatever range is needed to view your action dates and totals.
Once the results are displayed, you will see somewhat of an action date reminder calendar. Only assigned action days will show up in the reminder calendar. Use the links under needs (still needs to be duplicated or needs action), completed (already been run or duplicated), or total (all assigned actions for the date) to get to the underlying actions or master invoices that need duplication. Note: The reoccurring invoice section is basically a date sensitive assignment to do mass duplication of invoices. The word "reoccurring" is somewhat of a misnomer. Nothing happens in this section automatically. Basically, the system will remember and remind you when actions are needed. It, the system, will then allow you to duplicate master invoices at set intervals. Think of this section as a user-maintained reminder system and a mass duplication system and you will be right on with its capabilities. |