Part Number Usage History
This is a special page to show part usage and history (every occurrence of a single part number). The page is divided into two main sections. The top is the search and information form and the bottom is the search results. The page is capable of showing all instances of a single part number (called usage) from the date provided. It is ok to change the date to a date in the past (virtual look-back) and only those PO line items and invoice line items will show up. It is also possible to limit the results to just PO's or just invoice line items. Use the drill-down links provided to go to the actual PO or invoice where the part numbers were used.

If your corporation or company have one or more locations, you may also see an non filtered list of quantities per location. This is kinda like a mini product finder report that is specific to the part number that the page is dealing with.

As part of the results, there will also be a section that shows recent activity or quantity breakdowns over time (ins and outs). This section pulls data and give you a quick look (grouped totals) of the pieces. Use the drill-down links to actually look at the underlying PO and invoice line items. Please note, the date submitted in the inventory look-back date will affect these activity reports. Also, just for documentation, all of the drill-down links to the PO and invoice line items will have a refine your search and an export to Microsoft Excel option, if you have the permissions. That is a good way to get at all of the data (activity) per part number. It is also a great way to filter the results by other criteria if needed. Think of the activity report (the drill-down links) as a way of starting an advanced search by part number.