Grouped Floorplan Report
This is a special look-back page for floored units. The page is divided into two main parts. The top is the main search form. The bottom is for the search results. If the search form is hidden, use the show/hide button to interact with the search criteria. The page is also capable of showing two different kinds of reports. The default report type is a grouped report and the other option is a detailed (by unit) report. The page is also set-up to show owed values (unpaid or missing payments) by default. If you want to see all units (both paid and unpaid units), change the report status field to show all.
Once the results appear (on the bottom of the page), use the drill-down links to do deeper into the actual underlying data. Special Note: This page is also capable of doing a virtual look-back in time. All you need to do is change the look-back date and resubmit the search form. This is really handy if you end up changing the title account and want to see what else was part of a different title account. Basically, the floorplan homepage can only search the current title account for a unit. This page is able to search backwards to what things were at any given time. |