Stock/Unit Payments
This page will show the ties between the current stock/unit and the payments that were assigned to it. The connection occurs when a valid stock/unit number is entered into the stock field on the expense/receipt line items page. The other part to this connection occurs when the radio button for apply payment towards stock/unit base price or stock/unit floored amount is clicked. Once submitted, the system will make all of the connections from the backend and will provide custom history messages as the transaction happens. The entire process is automated.
As you pay for a stock/unit, it will drop off the payables in your company's balance sheet. If by some chance, the system is missing a payment, and you know you have paid for the entire unit, your best bet would be to track down the expense/receipt and make sure that the connection is made. This may involve removing an old line item and re-adding or assigning a new line item (with the correct stock/unit number and what the tie-in is for). If all else fails, there is a way to mark the stock/unit base prices or stock/unit floored amounts as paid. This is called a force pay. A force payment will mark the unit as paid in full (this is done by editing the stock unit - towards the bottom of the edit form). This force payment may or may not effect your balance sheet. It depends on how deep you are running your numbers and whether or not the unit gets accounted for somewhere else. It is very hard to give a blanket answer on what this will do. If possible, help the system make the correct tie-in. If not, use the force pay. If you are looking for how to pay for stock/units... There is a group payables section for stock/units from the payables homepage. This allows you to pay for more than one unit at a time with a single payment or check. Once you get to the payables homepage, select the report type that says "Specific Stock/Units (two-part search)". Click the get report button and then filter the data as needed. Once the stock/units show up, click the checkboxes and then click the pay button. This will take you right to the pay for multi stock/units section. More help is available from that section. As a note on the payment dates... If a date is wrong or needs to be changed. The only way to change those dates is from the main expense/receipt date. These dates are tied at the hip. If you change the main (meaning on the expense side), the payment will follow suite. The payment dates are uneditable by themselves. They must be changed from the master (main expense/receipt date). If you can't get the new date to stick (meaning trying to change it on the main expense/receipt date), here is a little trick. Basically, trick it into thinking that the date is totally different, change it by a couple of days and then submit the main add/edit expense/receipt page. Once that new date sticks (the fake date that you used), go back to the edit main expense/receipt page and change the date to the real or actual date. Because it sees a date change, it will force the system to re-look at what date it should use. This is a little "Texas two-step" but works well to trick the system if needed. By the way, don't tell anybody that I told you this... :) |