Check/Payment Search
This is a special page designed to help search for check numbers and payments made on expense/receipts. The results will show up below the main search form once submitted. If the main search form is hidden, use the show/hide button to interact with the search form. The default is a 30 day look-back period of payments.
The search form has the following fields: 1. Vendor/Payee Name Filter - Enter a vendor/payee name or id number in the field provided. The field is flexible and allows you to type and search for any number of characters. For instance, say you wanted to get the last name of "Smith". You could enter "s", "sm", "smith" (whatever is needed to filter the records correctly). The controls below the filter field are to help the application know where to search for the vendor/payee filter provided. There must be something (characters) in the filter field for the vendor type fields to work. The vendor type fields are for any name, the business name, the last name, the first name, and the vendor/payee id. 2. Bank - Choose a bank filter from the list provided. 3. Payment Amount - Enter a payment amount and then choose exact, greater than, or less than. The value must be numeric (numbers and/or decimals) for the control to work. No special characters such as dollar signs ($), commas (,), etc. 4. Money Type - Choose a money type filter from the list provided. 5. Payment Date Range - Enter a date range in the m/d/yy format. Both dates are required for this filter to work. It is ok to leave these fields blank if needed. 6. Check Number Range - Optional. Enter the check number range. Both values need to be numeric in order to work. 7. Check Number - Enter any part of the check number in this field. There are built in wild cards to help make the search more flexible. Tip: If you want to get all of the new check request approvals, enter the value "TBA" in the check number field and click the search button. 8. Transaction Number - Enter any part of a known transaction number in this field to help filter the search. The transaction field is used for wires, bank transfers, credit card approvals, etc. There are also built in wild cards in this search field to help keep the application more flexible. 9. Check Print Status - Optional. Choose a print status from the list provided. 10. Payment Verified - Choose verified or not verified to help filter the records. The default is "All". 11. Sort By - Choose an option to sort the report. The default is by payment id number - newest first. 12. Report Format - Choose a report format from the list provided. The default is "html" or normal web format. If you have the admin permission for expense/receipts, the option of exporting to the Microsoft Excel format will also be available. Exporting to Excel allows you to save data to your own computer and format or sort the data accordingly. 13. Show Per Page - This is the number of records to show per page. the default is 50 but may be changed as needed. The max is set to 500 records per page. 14. Keep Criteria Open - This checkbox helps you either keep the search criteria form open (showing) or allows it to be collapsed (closed) after the search is submitted. The default is unchecked which means that the form will be hidden or collapsed. If checked, the search form will remain open. The results will show basic expense/receipt and payment information. Use the links provided to drill-down deeper into the data. General note about exporting data - If you have the admin permission over expense/receipts, there will be an option to export any and all of the data to a Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet) format. If you don't have access to a Microsoft Office product license (which includes excel), we recommend a FREE software solution called or view a help file with more info. |