Add/Edit Unit
This page is used for both adding and editing a unit. The following is a list of the fields and what they require:
1. Stock - This is the main stock number. This will either be assigned by the application or set by the user who is entering older inventory. The stock number is main key for the unit. Most everything in the application is tracked by the stock number. 2. Main Inventory Type - This is controlled in the background and is determined by the make of the unit. 3. Sub Inventory Type - This is controlled in the background and is determined by the model number. 4. Make - The make was selected when originally adding the unit to the database. The make controls which models are available. This is controlled behind the scene. 5. Model - This was selected in step 2 of the add process for the unit. The model will dictate a number of other options that are available on a per model basis. If for some reason, the model is incorrect, you will need to have a system administrator help change the model number. Once a model is changed, the make, the inventory type, and sub inventory type may change as well. Special note, when adding new inventory to the system, the model will help populate fields like shipping and the description field. Feel free to change them to whatever meets your needs. They are pre-populated to help standardize the data entry. 6. Num Sort - This is a numeric value that is tied to the model. This number is used in reports to help organize the models into the correct category. If the num sort is incorrect, contact a system administrator or a supervisor. 7. Unit Condition - This is where you indicate whether or not the unit is new, used, rental, etc. Required. 8. Status - This will be one of three options. Inv = In Inventory, Sold = Sold, and Deleted = Deleted. If you need to delete a unit from inventory, select the Deleted option and submit the form. This will remove it from normal reports and will add a history note with your name and date on it. 9. First Stock - This field is required and allows for help in knowing what the unit is. This is a small open entry field to hold whatever data you wish. Some people use it to hold an alternate Id number or something that is corporation specific that means something to you as a company. Requires a min of 1 char and a max of 25 chars. 10. Year - This is the year of the unit not the current date. Ex: 2006 11. Description - The description is where you put the common features and extras for the unit. The field can hold up to 255 chars and has a minimum requirement of 2 chars. Note: This field may get pre-populated during adding a new unit. Feel free to add to or change it to your needs. There is also a link that shows some of the common features that go with this type of inventory (in general). The link will open up a new browser window where you can copy and paste items into the description field. Close that window when finished. 12. Serial Number - Optional. Enter the serial number if known. This is used on all paperwork, titles, and other important documents. Max of 20 chars. 13. Last 4 of Serial Number - This should be the last for of the serial number. This field is only shown during an edit. When adding the unit, this field will be created on the fly and taken from the actual serial number number. 14. Color - The color field changes depending on whether the page is in add or edit mode. For adds, the field is a required drop-down menu. For edits, the field is a text field that can be modified to specific needs. The field is required and has a min of 2 chars and a max of 50 chars. 15. Location - This is a required field and shows where the unit is currently located. This may be changed throughout the life of the unit. Note: The location history will be recorded for every change of location. 16. Asset Type - The asset type allows each corporation to add a sub category to help with floorplan information. By default, each corporation will have the option of "own" and "cons" (consignment). Other asset types may be added through the floorplan application and permissions. 17. Date In - The date in is required and helps set up the age of the unit. The date in has special code to help protect it against unauthorized changing. There are times that the date in will be uneditable or even hidden to help with security of the application. Basically, you get one chance at it when entering a new unit. Other than that, a system administrator needs to make changes to the date in. 18. Purchased By - This is a two part field and is required. This helps others know in the system who was responsible for taking the unit in, buying the unit, or consigning the unit. 19. Received From - This is a note section where the unit came from can be recorded. This field is required and has a min of 2 chars and a max of 50 chars. 20. Parent Stock/Unit No. - This is a special field that allows you to link up a parent unit with a child unit (who came from who). This is an optional field and can accept both numbers and text values. If you enter a number, the application will allow a link to be made to the parent stock number. Max of 10 chars. 21. Parent Notes - This is a special note field that helps with where the unit came from. This is an optional field and has a max of 255 chars. Tell us the story... 22. Base Price - This is what we originally bought the unit for. This field is similar to the date in field in that it has special protection to help from unauthorized changing. If the base price needs to be modified, please contact a system administrator. The base price may be uneditable and hidden at certain times for security reasons. 23. Shipping - This field holds the amount that was originally paid to get the unit shipped to the starting location within your corporation. This field may be pre-populated on an add. Feel free to edit the value to your needs. This number does effect the basis of the unit. 24. Use List Price or Mark-Up - This is a required switch to help with the ending retail price. If you choose the list price option, a list price will be required (pre-set retail value). If you use the mark-up option, mark-up values are required and the price of the unit will be in a constant flux depending on the basis of the unit. 25. List Price - Required. If the list price option from the field above is selected, an actual retail price is required. If not, use 0.00 as the default. 26. Mark-Up - This is a number that helps determine the price of a unit. This number should be positive and over 1. Without getting super technical, this number is times by the basis to get the best price. Most mark-ups should be 1.4 and up. The value 1.4 is the same as saying add 40% to the basis to get the price. 27. MSRP Mark-Up - This is a number that adds additional padding or brings the unit up to the Manufactures Suggested Retail Price (MSRP). Most numbers should be 1.05 and up. This is the same as saying add 5% to the best price to get the MSRP price. By default, most reports will use this number as the price of the unit. 28. Calculate Interest - This is required and will either calculate interest on the unit or not. Your corporation or bank should tell you whether or not to collect interest on a unit. 29. Additional Notes - This field is optional and can hold unlimited amounts of information. If there is something wrong, special, or pending about the unit, put it here. The following fields will show up depending on your permissions and deal with the floorplan application. It is possible that these fields will not show up at all or only selected fields may show up. If the unit has floorplan actions, there will be a number of links and floorplan items listed. The add new link will be under the title "Manage Unit Floorplan Options". The edit links, if available, will be next to each floorplan item listed. 30. Current Title Account - This is part of the floorplan application and helps the accounting persons track where the unit is and how they account for the unit. Similar to the date in and base price, this section has special code to help protect the information and who gets to use/change it. It may be uneditable or hidden at different times to help with security. 31. Move To Title Account - This is a basic title account switch and allows basic moves. More advanced moves must be recorded as a payable and tracked as its own item. 32. Stock/Unit Paid - This is the check box to indicate whether or not the unit has been paid in full (base price). Payments may be added to a unit through the expense/receipt line items or the payables page. 33. Stock/Unit Paid Date - This is the date that the unit was paid in full. The date is required even if n/a. Use the m/d/yy format for all dates. 34. Incoming Invoice Number - Enter the original invoice number that the unit was brought in on. This field can have both alpha and numeric data and is optional. Max of 50 chars. 35. Incoming Invoice Date - This is the date the unit was invoiced from the vendor. This may be different than the date in due to shipping or backorders. Use the m/d/yy format. 36. Corp-Wide Web Settings - This is set per corporation (main business entity) and controls whether or not you allow your inventory items to be shown on the web (to the public outside the secure area). The corp-wide settings help the system know how you want to play. You must have admin permissions to update and change corp-wide settings. These settings are controlled on a different page. As a small note, there are close to 100 different corp-wide settings that are available. 37. Show Unit On The Web - Required. Choose from the options provided. This setting is on a per stock/unit basis and allows for you to show or hide a unit from public view. It (the stock/unit) will always show up inside the secure side (where you are at right now) but may be hidden from the web or public view. This setting only takes affect if the corp-wide setting (above) allows for public viewing. A special "Manage Web Inventory" permission is required to change these settings. It may be found in the "System Maintenance" section and is a silver colored permission. 38. Show Price On The Web - Required. Choose from the options provided. This is where you get to determine what price will show up on the web, if allowing the stock/unit to be viewed or shown to the public. The default is to use the current price, which is controlled above and could be a set price or a calculated price (using mark-ups). If a special web price is chosen, there is another field that allows you to enter the special price. The terms "special web price" may be controlled through your corp-wide settings to enhance the display on the web. The special value must be set to 0.00 if not using the special price setting. Similar to the show/hide on the web field above, this requires a special manage web inventory permission to be assigned to the user. See above for more details. Special Note: If you are trying to edit certain fields and they seem to be locked or hidden, there could be one or more explanations for the fields and their values. If you have admin permission and can see full unit details, try switching the main unit details page to the full mode (all values) and then click the edit unit link again. All pages that accessed this add/edit page through the customer friendly mode will have hidden fields even if you have correct permissions. The other explanation might be your permissions only allow updating for a certain amount of time after a sale. |