Verify Invoice And Payroll Status
This is the admin page for updating and changing the main payroll information. Please note, this page should only be used if something went wrong or needs to be changed from the normal payroll process. All of the paid date fields are set in the final step of normal payroll. See the help file on the main payroll page for more payroll details and features.
All fields are available for change. All dates are required, even if not applicable. Dates will be switched from holding dates to real dates once items have been checked off or marked received. 1. All Paperwork - Check for received. Leave uncheck for not yet received. The date is required and should be in m/d/yy format. 2. Trade-in Paperwork - Check for received. Leave uncheck for not yet received. The date is required and should be in m/d/yy format. 3. All Monies - Check for received. Leave uncheck for not yet received. The date is required and should be in m/d/yy format. Also, just as a note, this is the main verify date for the invoice and deals with receivables and financial statements like the income statement or P&L. 4. Payroll Status - Choose a payroll status from the list provided. Many of the system financial reports require the payroll status to be "Oked". 5. Date Paid - This is the actual date the person is paid. This is required and must be a valid date even if the user has not yet been paid. This date works with the paid commission checkboxes to form a combination field. If the paid commission checkboxes are checked, the date is considered real. Otherwise, the date entered is just a holding date and is not yet marked as official. 6. Paid Commission - These fields (main salesperson and other salesperson) should only be checked if, in fact, they have been paid on the deal. Leave unchecked if not paid or not applicable. 7. Pay Period From/To - These two dates are required and are under similar conditions to the date paid. They are holding dates until the paid commission date is checked at which point, they become real payroll period dates. All dates should use the m/d/yy format. 8. General Notes - Optional. These are the general notes for the unit. Max of 255 characters. 9. Payroll Notes - Optional. These are the payroll specific notes for the unit. Max of 255 characters. |