Advanced Invoice Search
This is the starting page for any of three special searches for invoices. Each of the three forms are independent of each other and go to their own results page. The top form is for main invoices, the middle is for invoice line items, and the bottom form is for invoice payments.

No search criteria is required for any of the searches. However, if you don't provide any filters or search criteria, you will get every record in the entire database returned to you. Any text field with the value "All" or left blank will not be included in the search. The more filters you pass to the results page, the tighter your search will be. There are links from the results page to the correct invoice to view details, edit line items, or view history.

Special note about the stock search: There is a stock search from both the main invoice search and the line items search. The main invoice stock search deals with internal repair tickets. The line item search will show which stock number was added as a line item or sold on a specific invoice. Most stock searches should use the line items search. There is also a special link on the unit detail page (once you get to the stock number detail page) that says "Paperwork". This link will show which invoice the unit has been assigned to.

If you have the admin permission over invoices, there will also be options to export any and all of the data to a Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet) format. Currently there are five different report exports to the Excel format. They are main invoice details, main invoice groups, invoice line item details, invoice line item groups, and invoice payments. If you don't have access to a Microsoft Office product license (which includes excel), we recommend a FREE software solution called or view a help file with more info.