Add/Edit Invoice
This is the edit main invoice information page. The page has the following fields:

1. Invoice Number - Passed behind the scenes to keep track to which invoice is being edited.

2. Customer And Customer Id - This is the customer name for the invoice. To switch this, do a customer search and find the customer id number. Return here and enter the customer id number in the field provided.

3. Stock - This should be 0 except for internal tickets. Note: When editing the main information on internal tickets, only the main invoice details change. The actual unit is not updated and must be manually updated. You may need to drill-down to the individual stock number to reflect changes.

4. Stock List - This will hold a comma separated list of stock numbers or units that are assigned to the invoice as line items. It is ok to leave this blank if not applicable.

5. Invoice Type - Choose from the list provided. If the invoice you are working on is of the type "Transition", there will be an additional link to help manage the transition dates and settings. There is a special help file on that page to give additional information about that special invoice type.

6. Total Invoice Amount - This is the total invoice amount including fees, shipping, and all taxes. Use numbers and decimals.

7. Invoice Date - This is the date the invoice was created. It also has a hidden meaning and deals with the book date (financials) and actual inventory date (when were items taken out of inventory). Use the m/d/yy format for all dates. Special note if working with an invoice type that is set to "Transition" status (special invoice type with additional dates or transition period). The main invoice date must be set to one day after the ending transition period in order to show up on company financial reports. If the invoice you are viewing has a transition period, there will be a link to view the dates and settings. More help is available on that page.

8. Invoice Due Date - This shows the date the invoice is due. It is turned on and set up on the corp wide settings page. There is more information on the view cart help page.

9. Main Salesperson - This is the person who will get credit for the sale. Payroll looks at this field.

10. Other Salesperson - Optional field for other salesperson.

11. Location - This is the main location which the invoice was generated from. This does affect the taxes. Note: If switching locations after the fact (invoice has already been created), please note that all line items will also be switched to the new location. If you have more than one location, there may also be a recalc taxes switch. By clicking the recalc taxes checkbox, the application will run each invoice line item through the sales tax calculator application for the new location. If this button is clicked, the application will automatically update the main invoice amount if different from the current invoice amount.

12. Other Location - This is only for transfers.

13. Customer PO # - Optional. This field is an optional extra value that may be recorded and searched. The field is tied to a corp-wide setting that controls the name of the field and whether or not to show/hide the value. If used, this value will be shown on the top of all of the different invoice views (pdf, printer friendly, limited format, and the mini version).

14. Invoice Notes - These are general non-printing invoice notes. Optional with a max of 255 characters.

15. Printable Notes - These are printable notes that will show up on the invoice and customer copy. Optional with a max of 255 characters.