View Parts
The view parts page will show all information on a single part number that is in the system. The word or phrase "part" or "part number" are a corp-wide setting and may be changed to fit your business needs.

There are two different view modes for the page. One is [cust] or customer friendly and the other is [full] or show the full details. The customer mode will hide the part cost, mark-up, and profit. The full version will show all details including the prices, costs, and profit. If you need to edit a part number, and have the permission, click on the link where the part number is displayed. Once you add a part to the shopping cart, all prices (not costs) are adjustable from inside the shopping cart.

This page also acts as the parts image/photo gallery page. If available, the images for the part number will show up on the right side of the part information. You may click on a smaller image to get the bigger photo held in the database. If you have the photo management permission, you will have a link on the top of the page to deal with adding and editing photos. Additional help is available on those pages.

If printing with photos, you may need to print in landscape mode (wider than tall).

If your item or part has a barcode value (one or more characters in the barcode field), there will be a barcode generator link to help you print out barcode stickers and labels. Click on the link provided and you will be taken to the special Adobe Flash barcode generator application. Additional help is available from that page. If you need more info about how barcodes are used and searched inside the system, see this help file.

If the part number is set to an active status, there will be a basic add to cart button and quantity field. Using this field and button will send the items to the shopping cart. Additionally, if you have the advanced add to cart permission turned on, there may be a link that has two plus signs together like this: "++". If you see this link, you may use a special add to cart page that has additional fields, calculators, and special options.

This page is also setup with some special functionality that deals with the individual part numbers. Some of these options deal with specific permissions, but there may be usage links, product finder reports (products per locations), smart group button assignments (tiered pricing structures), my cart favorite buttons, flex grid tie-in assignments (virtual buddy system assignments), and options to create new my cart favorite buttons using this part number.