Purchase Order (PO) Home
This is the main stating point for all purchase orders or PO's. Inside of the Adilas.biz application, we use a PO as a tool to help control inventory counts and amounts due back to vendor/payees. This is the backside of inventory which is called a payable. This page has three main sections. The top has all of the sub navigation links. There is also a button to start a new PO. When creating a new PO, this will take you to a vendor chooser page and then on to the actual add a PO portion (pages). The Middle section (top form) is a PO search area. If the search criteria is hidden, use the show/hide button to interact with the search form. The bottom section is where the search results will be shown.
The only required fields are to and from dates for the search. All other fields help to filter the records that are returned. Most fields have the default value of "All" to help get all records possible. The search form has the following fields: 1. PO Number - If you know what PO number you are looking for, you can enter it and then click the "get it" button. This will take you to the printable PO page for that PO. You may also use the key words "new", "all", and "last" (w/o the quotes) to help with navigation. 2. Vendor Name Filter - Enter a vendor name in the field provided. The field is flexible and allows you to type and search for any number of characters. For instance, say you wanted to get the last name of "Smith". You could enter "s", "sm", "smith" (whatever is needed to filter the records correctly). The controls below the filter field are to help the application know where to search for the vendor filter provided. There must be something (characters) in the filter field for the vendor type fields to work (business, last name, and first name). 3. PO Type - Choose an option from the list provided. This deals with the current status or state of the PO. Some of the PO types require special permission in order to interact with them in the add/edit modes. 4. Location - Choose a location from the list provided. This deals with where the parts or items where logged or stocked in. 5. Person Who Created PO - Choose a payee or user from the list provided. 6. Vendor Invoice # - This is where you can enter any part of the outside invoice number that was issued with the items. This field has built in wildcards that help with searches for whole or part of the invoice number. Both alpha and numeric data is allowed. 7. PO Amount - If you know a specific amount that you need to find, enter that amount and the results will show accordingly. 8. Verified - This is a switch that filters records by being verified or not. 9. Paid Status - This is an optional switch that helps filter records by being fully paid or not being fully paid. 10. From Date - Required. Enter the starting date range value. Use m/d/yy format for all dates. 11. To Date - Required. Enter the ending date range value. Use m/d/yy format for all dates. 12. Date Type - This switch allows the dates entered above to change meaning. Basically, if you choose PO date, the application will use the dates provided and search that section. If you switch to received dates or verified dates, the dates change what they are looking for. 13. Keep Criteria Open - This checkbox helps you either keep the search criteria form open (showing) or allows it to be collapsed (closed) after the search is submitted. The default is unchecked which means that the form will be hidden or collapsed. If checked, the search form will remain open. The bottom section will show the search results. There are a number of flags, links, and possible pages (for bigger reports) that help you view the results. Most things should be fairly self-explanatory once data is present. On the far left of each PO will be a small thumbnail image. If other than the default image, it means that the PO has an image gallery. If different than the default, you may click on the image to go the PO photo gallery. This feature and the ability to upload photos of the PO are tied to the photo management permission. |