Advanced Deposit Search
This is the main search page for the advanced deposit searches. The page is divided into two parts. The top is for the main deposit details and the bottom is for the deposit line items. There are no required fields but the more you enter into the search forms, the more your results will be filtered and will be easier to read. The default is set to All but may be changed for any field.
The top main deposit form has the following fields: 1. Deposit Numbers From - Enter a range of deposit numbers or leave as "All" and "All". Both fields must be numeric in order for the page to filter by the deposit numbers. 2. Bank - Choose a bank from the list provided to help filter the records. 3. Person Who Made The Deposit - Choose a user from the list provided to help filter the records. 4. Deposit Amount - Enter the actual amount to help filter the records. 5. Verified & Posted - Choose from the list to get only records that have or have not been verified. There are also options to choose posted records. 6. From/To Deposit Date - Enter a date into both fields to make them work. If both the from and to dates are not actual dates, it will skip those fields. Use the m/d/yy format. 7. Date Type - This is a switch and allows the to and from dates to search either the deposit dates or the verified dates. 8. Internal Notes - Enter any part of the notes and the application will search for that string or set of characters. There are built in wild cards for this search. This means the system uses a like match instead of an exact match. 9. Sort By - Choose a method to sort the results by. These options should be fairly self explanatory. These next couple of fields are for the deposit line items. It is important to note that the line items will show up on their own line as an independent record, even though the actual deposit may have one or more line items attached to the main deposit. This is especially true when changing the sort order or sort by criteria. What this means is that the parent (main deposit) doesn't have the children (connected line items) in any particular order or sequence. Line items may show up with or without their brother/sister line items. 1. Deposit Numbers From/To - This will help you find a range of main deposit numbers to work with. Both fields must have numeric data in order for them to work. The range is inclusive and will include both the start and stopping points. To get a single record, enter the same number in both fields. 2. Deposit Dates From/To - This will help limit the dates of the deposits. It requires both dates to make it work. Use the m/d/yy format. These dates may be deposit dates or verified dates. See the date type below for more info. 3. Date Type - This is the switch between deposit dates and verified dates. This control works in conjunction with the date fields directly above it. Both dates are required and should be in the m/d/yy format. 4. Bank - Choose a bank from the list provided to help filter the records. This helps filter the main deposit details. 5. Line Amount - Enter the exact line amount to help filter the records. 6. Money Type - Choose a money type to help filter the line items. 7. Location - Choose a location from the list provided to help filter the records. 8. Deposit Type - Choose an account or container to help filter the line items. 9. Check # - Enter the check number to help filter the records. Check numbers are recorded as alpha/numeric characters and will search accordingly. This means that 11 will come before 9 and so forth. It reads left to right and compares values (not real numbers). There is also a built in wild card to help get like values. 10. Credit Card Approval # - Enter a whole or part of the CC approval number to help limit the results. This has a built in wild card to help get like values. 11. Stock - Enter the actual numeric stock number to make this control work. 12. Invoice Number - Enter the actual invoice number to get this control to work. 13. Line Description - Enter a whole or part of the actual line description field. The application is set up to match the characters or strings in any way possible. 14. Sort By - Choose a preset sort from the list provided. Please note that sorting the line items will or could split up brother/sister line items. The line items will still be associated with the parent deposit. The output is only for display and sorting does not hurt the actual deposit or its line item(s). |