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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/23/2023 9:11 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 9814
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 2/9/2023 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 2/9/2023 10:00 am
Main Status: Active

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It was just Steve and I on the morning meeting for the first 20 or so minutes. We were talking about getting people started and getting things going and helping them to get up and running. Here are a few other random notes from our meeting.

- At some point, we would like to circle back around and get back to the vendor logs or payee/vendor logs project. Basically, this would be similar to the customer logs but for both vendors and employees (users). Steve started this project but it got put on the shelf as other things came up. We need to circle back around, when possible.

- On the chooser page, what if we allowed every possible page. That could be really cool. This is where a user gets to choose what they want to use for their default homepage.

- Steve was asking about settings and how we wanted to organize things. I told him that we have at least four known levels for settings that we know of, right now. They are: corp-wide settings (at the world or corporation level), group level settings (any of the 12 main player groups or sections that we have a homepage for that section), page level settings (currently using the slide out drawer on the right of the snow owl themed pages to show page level settings), and user settings or personal settings. At some future point, we may want to build out a master settings page that showed where everything is and/or is located. We have things spread all around right now. This may be a project for fracture - future project.

- The whole thing of adilas seems to be a pyramid or stacked layered application. There are tons of different levels that build on top of each other.

- The magic seems to come from progress and ideas. We do something, someone else sees it, adds to it, requests something, we build it out and/or add to it, and it starts all over again. Like a giant snowball or idea farm.

- One of the huge foundations seems to be settings and permissions. We are also seeing that these two key foundational pieces tend to split, fracture, or break into subs. Almost an infinite level of control and customization. Very interesting.

- Sean and John popped in and gave us some updates and reports. Dustin and Kelly also joined for a little bit. Their general vibe or message was - that people need help (generally) and if we can help, we are able to slide into place. It could be data entry, tools, functionality, systems, normalizing data, sales tax, inventory management and controls, financials, etc.

- My observation from today's meeting - it seems like all of the team is playing well together and helping to get things done. No way, one person could get all of this stuff done and handled, as it is going along and happening. I'm super grateful!

- John was showing us an update on the chooser page to help users select, view, and setup their default homepages. He is making good progress there. More good changes coming in the look and feel department. Good stuff!