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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 8/2/2022 6:35 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 9281
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Paypod revisited
Start Date/Time: 8/9/2022 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 8/9/2022 12:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Meeting with some of the guys from PayPod and CPI payment solutions. We had three of their guys on with both Cory and I. We got to talk with Mike from the UK, Murray, and Curtis. Good meeting. Here are some of my notes:

- They have built out a web-based management function and basic admin tool. This used to be on us to build out. It is pretty simple, but very powerful. This changes the whole project and takes off close to 75% of the load that was there prior. Great enhancement.

- If we do an integration with them, they would provide all of the new tools, pieces, new code samples, simulators, and also assign us to an integration person to work with us.

- In their new web-based interface, they have included some user role-based permissions.

- We got a quick demo from Mike (based in the UK) and he showed us samples of integrating with a standalone windows app, web-based, API sockets, and an external source. Pretty cool - everything interacted with a window's service (virtual server).

- We will start small and then add on - if we decide to do this integration.

- On our side, we will have to do some OAuth2 integrations with security tokens and certificates. We will also be responsible for normal development, error handling, and basic interactions with the PayPod unit. They will handle most of the basic admin features through their new web interface.

- If we do this, it would be a joint funded partnership. They pay X and we pay Y - ideally matching funds.

- If we needed to get paid back for the integration, we could charge a possible license fee for the cash handling or cash payment solution. We could also do some sort of community funded project for those who are looking for this type of solution.

- Their new PayPod unit has an onboard chip and mini computer built into the unit. This opens up options to be able to share devices through a network or ethernet type interface.

- If we get people to buy their product, they will service all of the hardware. Our clients would be responsible for any prep type stuff - they called it mill work - such as network upgrades, wiring, electrical, and countertop or woodwork.

- They were encouraging a kiosks or self-checkout type model.

- If the partnership flourishes, we could talk about referral fees, commissions, and other sales options.

- Cory was asking about some feedback from other clients. The biggest feedback was dealing with security, accuracy, and more time with the customers vs just chasing and monitoring the cash.

After the CPI guys left, Cory and I jumped on a phone call. We went over ideas, costs, scenarios, options, and what plans would need to be in the works, if we go forward with this. We also touched base on a couple of other projects. If we do this integration, we were thinking that John might the best candidate for this one.