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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 5/30/2022 12:34 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 9054
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates
Start Date/Time: 5/31/2022 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 5/31/2022 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Meeting with Steve and Cory to go over projects. We talked about a couple of projects for Eric. We talked about gift cards, other special account projects (in-store credit, vendor credits, punch cards, coupons, and gift certificates or gift cards). Another one is the mini aggregate project to handle inventory quantities per location. The other possible project for Eric is getting back to the enterprise item catalog project. All of those have value and would be great add-on's.

The next major subject was projects that Alan is either working on and could work on. He is one of our top developers and is in demand, because he can do so many things. One of the projects that Cory really wants him to work on is the transition invoices out in ecommerce land. They already exits out there, they just need a little bit of loving. He could also help Steve out with some BioTrack production stuff.

Lots of talk about other developers and what they are working on. It is a challenge to coordinate projects and developers. Lots of moving pieces. We also talked briefly about some projects for Bryan. We are still trying to help our clients transition from billing in the old independent way to dealing with Adilas as a team or an entity.

Another subject that came up was the number of hours spent in a training and tech support with our clients. It takes a lot of time and effort. One of the benefits is that we learn a lot along the way. The more we help our clients, the more we learn, and can adapt the tools and features that we have to get the desired outcome. Along those lines, sometimes we (internally) need to be reminded of certain processes and tools that exist that we may not remember or are new to us. For example, all of Steve's new backorder stuff that he developed and managing quotes, orders, PO's, and backorders.

Cory was kinda putting her virtual foot down on certain projects. We are trying to retain our clients but sometimes they get out of line. We talked about preventative maintenance type stuff with our existing clients and helping them along the way. We, as a company, are offering more and more internal service offerings. We used to sub it all out to outside independent sub-contractors. We are trying to make those same offerings, but do it all internally now and helping out in new ways. It makes for a better product and better retention.