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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 5/2/2022 9:32 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8961
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 5/31/2022 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 5/31/2022 10:00 am
Main Status: Active

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Talking with Steve about limited flex grid, status, and where things are headed. He is excited to expose some of the new tools that we are developing out to the rest of our clients. We are also trying to stay ahead of Chuck and what pages he is redoing and making them look better. That lead us into some discussions on layout and display options such as tabs, accordions, pop-ups, modals, and other modern display and layout styles.

Everything keeps going back to settings. We talked about 4 different level of settings, that we are seeing. They are: 1. Corporation level settings (corp level or world level), 2. Group or player group level settings (12 main players), 3. Page level settings, and 4. User level settings. As a side note, settings are awesome, but they can also make things feel like it is more complicated. You have to play the game of iceberg vs huge mountain. Hide what you can, only show what is needed, but still make it available if needed (like tools in the shed). We see more and more of this type of thing coming as we build out toward fracture and future development.

Another fun thing that we talked about was page views. We happened to be on the time homepage and going over different page views of the same data, but how cool would it be if we could build out reports that show up in calendar view, timeslot view, grouped or aggregated views, or normal details and tabular data type formats. So many options, including charts, graphs, and other layout options. Not to mention, export or save custom report settings. All available, we just need to keep bringing it all together. More stuff for fracture.

The next subject was dealing with getters and setters and how those pieces are so dynamic. Some of our entries have 30-40 fields or choices. We don't want to have to submit all of those pieces, every time, for a simple update. Getters help you get the data in smaller pieces, as needed. Setters help you set or update the data in small bitesize pieces. For example, say you have 30 records of flex grid, each with a possible 40 columns. If you do the math, that one bulk edit page could have over 1,000 fields. What if only 2 pieces of data actually change? Using a simple setter allows you to only alter smaller pieces of the whole without having to carry the whole load. Efficiency!

As we were talking, we can see the value of using small teams to push on projects together. That could really help with resources and giving everybody a buddy to work with. Along those lines, here are some other projects that we may give to Bryan or a small team of developers. Flex attributes for all of the main players (used to be called in-line database extensions), vendor/payee logs (modeled after the customer log section but for vendor/payees), and other projects that already have a small handrail or guide. Anything that has been done before seems to be easier, due to the example or handrail for the developer to follow.