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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 11/23/2021 11:47 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8544
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Brainstorming on ideas and angles
Start Date/Time: 11/23/2021 2:00 pm
End Date/Time: 11/23/2021 3:00 pm
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Ideas and brainstorming notes on how to use as a backbone to a funding company. Basically, help them get setup on adilas in such a way that they are setup for success. Maybe even use it as some marketing and client acquisition stuff. Just ideas


Thinking about different angles - What is most important right now? How can we change patterns? What have we learned from the past (retrospective reviews)? What could we do differently?

I on purpose stepped away from my computer, I tend to get drawn in if I stay at the computer, to try to think of different ways and angles to approach and try. I was doing some household work (cutting and splitting wood for the winter) and thinking of different ways of doing things. Sometimes I do my best thinking, when I'm doing something else that doesn't require the normal amount of focus (still active, but somewhat mindless work).

Anyways, I'm only going to record an hour, but it was way more than that. I also did some similar brainstorming a couple of days ago on the 19th (11/19/21) and needed a place to put some of my notes. See attached for a quick scan of my scribbled down notes. These notes are from the 19th, but fit in with what I was thinking about and brainstorming about. Most of these are just "what if's" but fun to think about.

- What if we used adilas to help sell adilas? What if a marketing option would be, find a company that needed some help (either getting started or moving forward) and then offered the adilas product as a service to help them get going in a good direction. If they needed some funding, use an arm of adilas to help with funding. Set them up for success, and help them get training, consulting, and even custom code to make their business a success. Once again, just ideas, but what if you set them up in such a way, using adilas and even marketing dollars, they are successful. If they use adilas and are successful, they most likely will stay with adilas as their software choice. That is one of the main reasons for this venture.

- This is part of a bigger plan. Call it client acquisition costs. Set a budget and then go for it.

- Setup a funding company to help people realize their dreams

- Use adilas as the software for the backend of the funding company as well as the primary software for the companies that are being setup - the adilas piece and using it, is the key

- Setup weekly check-ins with the client (companies that are being funded)

- Pay for adilas (monthly), any training, custom work, consulting - all using the funds that were loaned - in a roundabout way, using other people's money to fund your product or business

- Business consultant that helps them out - external person for their team

- Help make budget and plans, provide resources as needed

- Provide some kind of incentive or ownership deal (depending on how things were structured and initial or original ownership) - For example, if they turn a profit, do some kind of kickback plan. Maybe setup a 5 year or certain percentage per year type plan for profitable business and good management of the business

- Don't give all the money at once - allowance per month - a budgeted credit line - additional funds available as needed

- Adilas could really be a huge key... make sure that the company has someone to help run the numbers and do the adilas work - internal, sub contracted, assigned, or some other arrangement

- If they use adilas and are successful, they most likely will stay with adilas. That is one of the main reasons for this little venture. Providing good products and services and helping businesses succeed. Let it keep going in a perpetual cycle.

- There are tons of other notes about the adilas market and ecommerce marketplace in the adilas, developer's notebook. There was a guy by the name of Todd that gave us some good ideas but we were able to get to them at the time. They deal with a adilas cafe level market or adilas marketplace of sorts. Click here to see some of those notes.

- Once again, just some ideas... but the real key is adilas (as a platform, application, and product) could be the biggest key to making something like this happen and succeed. That is pretty cool! There is a value there!