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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 11/1/2021 11:19 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8444
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Sprint review and retrospective meeting
Start Date/Time: 11/24/2021 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 11/24/2021 2:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Media Name   File Type Date Description
retrospective_notes_11_24_21_first sprint.docx   Doc/Text 11/24/2021 Notes from our first retrospective sprint meeting. Things that we learned and could improve on. Good stuff. Notes by Cory.


This was our first sprint using scrum and agile development processes. I think that we learned a lot, but we didn't really get that much done that we could show and/or release. We have a number of independent pieces, but they need to be sewed together to make the whole. We'll keep refining and moving forward as we go. Making progress.

Bryan reported first and gave a visual tour followed by some code. Alan ten showed some code, cfc's, methods, and how using certain formats auto produces getters and setters without having to code all of that. Light training and discussions. We even talked about possibly of using ColdFusion to help with auto documentation for API sockets, methods, and functions. We aren't ready for that yet.

After the small review, we on purpose switched over and started into our first sprint retrospective meeting and recap (what did we learn and what could we do better). All of us are still trying to learn how this process plays out. The team felt like they had a good start and all of the team members were willing to play. They just needed more direction and guidance after the initial start.

John mentioned that we may need a mini SOP (standard opperating procedure) to help us all know what we need to do. That is awesome, but also, that is really tough as it is in a constant state of flux. We talked about defining any dependencies, early naming processes and procdures, and making sure that roles and tasks are more clearly defined.

Cory was taking notes - see attached. We are all trying to catch the vision. We are also seeing the need to fill in the gaps and make sure that everyone gets what they need to keep going. As a fun side note, Cory was stating that she is totally in and committed to making this happen. That is awesome. Alan and I will help her along that path. No one can do this whole thing by themselves.

We will need to mix and blend as needed. Keep striving to improve. We also want to use the daily standup meetings better (what did I do yesterday, what am I going to do today, these are my issues or roadblocks). We will just keep making it better and better through small refinements.

As a note, we were seeing some very normal parts of team building. The four main things are: forming, storming, norming, and performing. We are still in the forming and storming stages, as far as agile and scrum type development approach. No problem, we know where we are headed.