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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 11/1/2021 11:05 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8439
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Sprint prep with Alan
Start Date/Time: 11/10/2021 1:30 pm
End Date/Time: 11/10/2021 3:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Meeting between Alan and I, going over the scrum and agile development models and overview. Before we jumped into that, he and I went into and looked around on taxes, financials, and where things are at for the current 2021 fiscal year. That always helps put things in perspective, both good and bad. Anyways, I think it helps.

Once we were done there, we jumped back over to the scrum overview. We went over some other development processes and talked about the roles of project managers and developers. In scrum, the scrum master helps the team figure it out on their own and take ownership within the project. That doesn't eliminate the project manager, but it does transfer a lot of the weight between the product owner, scrum master, and development team. I'm excited about that.

We got into other scrum definitions and key points. We talked about product backlogs and we even went and looked inside of adilas on both Cory's master list of projects (over 300 currently listed) as well as what is already in the project queue (only about 20 in the queue). There was talk about "the definition of done" and what that means to different parties. Alan and I spent quite a bit of time talking about the product backlog (prioritizing a list of projects). We went over user stories and what those mean. We talked about who will do them (it - the user story)? What will they be doing? And what would be the acceptance test or approvals (sign-off's).

We got into story points, risk, complexity, and repetition/familiarity of the different pieces. The process allows for lots and lots of refinement. Alan and I went over some our own goals and wrote things down. Alan has that document. We really want to keep refining our own elements of time to handle all of our project management pieces. We already have a great start of lots of the pieces. It just may take a small scrum sprint to really tighten things up there. That would be really cool.

Along the way, Alan had a document that was prepped with different talking points, questions, and sections for planning notes. It worked well and we went down the document and filled in answers and recorded notes. Towards the end, we talked about ways of tracking bugs and what is called technical debt (other things, like bugs, that need to be done and taken care of that are outside the scope of the scrum sprint).

There are lots of different approaches on how to run these projects. We will be actively experimenting to figure out what works best for adilas and our team. Along the way, we will need to keep up with the backlog maintenance and refinement process. Lots of prioritizing and adding in details where and as needed. Good little meeting.