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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 10/25/2021 3:13 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8375
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 11/4/2021 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 11/4/2021 11:00 am
Main Status: Active

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Danny was on the meeting this morning with some of the other guys. He and I were talking about the little interview session that we had yesterday. I was really happy and on cloud nine yesterday after that little session. Super fun! Anyways, Danny was talking about the question that he gave me about the elevator pitch. I quickly reviewed it and sent them over a link to the basics of the 3 part elevator pitch. Real quick - 1. High-end software as a service model (SaaS). 2. We service and cover needs in operations and accounting. And 3. We have a core system, ready, out of the box that we use and then we customize on top of that as needed. Those are the nuts and bolts of the super quick elevator pitch (at least currently).

John had some questions and was asking about some code samples and style guide (adilas docs) stuff. I gave him a bunch of samples and hopefully pointed him in a good direction. Chuck joined the meeting and John and Chuck were talking about some tweaks and changes to both the style guide and the docs (code snippets). I'm really happy that they are using that. Just by them using it, it brings value to that project.

Chuck and I did a small work session on the view parts page. He is doing a face lift on that page. We went over some things, I helped him with his settings, we added new my cart favorite buttons, we added new flex grid tie-ins, etc. Lots of talking and bouncing ideas off of each other. The current view is very top to bottom linear. We talked about doing two different mock-ups. One that would be linear (top to bottom) like the current page but with new look and feel. We also decided that we could break the page into some horizontal tabs to use the space more efficiently. We could also use those tabs to categorized the different sections. This is not exact yet, but things like main item details, photo gallery, sub/child inventory, recipe/build tie-ins, my cart favorite buttons, flex grid tie-ins, etc. Each tab would hold the respective data below it and thus somewhat hide what is not wanted unless clicked.

After that, I was recording notes, checking emails, and trying to help.