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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 9/20/2021 2:05 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8274
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Cory and Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates
Start Date/Time: 11/1/2021 10:15 am
End Date/Time: 11/1/2021 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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After the Euflora meeting, Alan, Cory, John, and I stayed on the meeting. We were going over some scrum and agile development stuff. Alan is leading us in that direction and we are trying to help and support those efforts. We talked and Alan was trying to get us more educated. We will review some of the documents that he has give us and then go from there. We even lightly planned one of our first agile scrum sprints. We are going to do a real project, and use it to help train the team on how to do these sprints. Kind of a train the trainers with a real project in mind. One of the goals is to use the teams within the scrum sprints to help with answering questions and doing peer sign-off vs just having Brandon do the code review and sign-off.

Wayne joined the meeting and chimed in here and there as well. Once Alan left, we switched gears and Cory and I talked with Wayne about next steps and where things can go. We talked about some known big projects that are on Wayne's plate and even offered him to recruit help from Bryan, Alan, Eric, or John. We also asked him to reach out to Bryan and Eric and offer to help where needed.

Cory was talking to John about the new developer's testing box and who would take care of what, along with any small bugs that pop up in the testing environment. She is excited to get in there and do some testing, but may need help if there are any errors or bugs that pop up. After that, John and Wayne were talking about servers, updates, and installs of new patches, Java versions, and other services. Both Wayne and John have been looking at and watching some of the logs to see where certain traffic spikes are coming from. So far, it looks pretty normal and going through existing channels vs a hack of any sort. The server land area is constantly changing. Lots of moving parts.

Towards the end, John was asking Cory and I about a raise. We talked briefly and I told him that I would bring it up with Steve. We have a great team, it just costs money to keep it going. All part of the game.