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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/26/2021 11:14 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8185
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Dev check-in - Alan and John
Start Date/Time: 9/8/2021 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 9/8/2021 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Cory and John checking in on projects and follow-up. Cory wanted to know about the last auto update from master to the different servers. After that, John reported on what he is doing on his other projects. He just finished a 2.5 hour training session with Wayne on backend server stuff earlier this morning. He also showed us a sample of his super backend admin documentation project and progress there.

We use paper and pencil (and digital tools) to record things and extend the memories of our guys and gals. Recording those pieces are a huge part of what we do. The value of the story and the notes that go along with that story.

Cory and John spent some time talking about the adilas phones app and tweaks and changes that are needed there to really make that more efficient. The last subject that they were talking about were some general server errors (null null) and code that somehow gets into an infinite loop and eventually overloads the system, causing it to crash. Sometimes, those aren't super obvious. We had one, one time  that through an error and it called a page that through an error that made it through another error, etc., etc.. Before you know it, it was an infinite loop and caused a crash.

Alan didn't have a ton to report on this call. He and Cory went over a few things. Cory asked him to report in tomorrow, after he had a day to work on a task. She is doing great, trying to keep things going and doing follow-up. Much needed. Busy times.

Cory and I were talking about the use of a buddy, to help push the ball across the finish line. Sometimes, one alone, can't get it done and just having someone else there can help it get finished, whether it is another set of eyes, dedicated time to work on something, figuring it out while explaining it, or just another angle. Good stuff and a great little tool.

At the end of the meeting, I was looking into a reported error with an API socket for calculating taxes. I got it fixed and pushed up some new code.