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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 8/26/2021 11:13 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8182
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Brandon and Cory review scheduling project
Start Date/Time: 9/2/2021 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 9/2/2021 11:00 am
Main Status: Active

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Cory joined and I reported in and showed her what I was working on with the new element of time settings and new time template settings. We did a small over view, I recorded some notes, and I showed her around the printouts, marker/highlighter stuff, and Excel spreadsheets. I did some drawing and tried to explain where we are going and heading. We also talked about planning projects and being able to turn those projects over to other developers.

As a part of our conversation, Cory was mentioning that Steve is working with a client that is paying for some new time settings that they want. We talked about options to control settings on a world (corporation) level and also on a per time template level. Steve is working with his client on some global or world level settings. I am going to be tackling some of the time template level settings. We will work together to make it all flow and happen. I'm seeing that Steve's settings will be considered global and will feed into the template level settings. The the template level settings will control the elements of time that are added under each time template.

Random side note, Chuck did a rework on the time template homepage yesterday and we pushed it up to the server. It looks great (night and day difference). I'm seeing that our future plan - called "fracture" may end up being a refinement of what we are currently doing. I was explaining to Cory how I always envisioned two totally separated projects (old adilas or ship 1 and new adilas or fracture or ship 2). Even though I would really love to do that... (old ship and new ship). We may have to build on what we have. If we get the funds and resources, I'd still like to rewrite the whole thing. If not, we may need to keep tweaking, refining, polishing, and working with the older version to make it become what we are looking for. Anyways, just recording some ideas, thoughts, and feelings.