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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/24/2021 2:40 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8152
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 9/7/2021 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 9/7/2021 10:00 am
Main Status: Active

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Helping Danny with a merge to push up 30+ files that have built-in or embedded video help file links. We had to fix a small merge conflict and then pushed up the files. Steve and Sean were talking about leads, sales, the game of numbers (touches, demos, etc.), and just plain getting out there and stirring the pot.

One of the biggest problems that we have is keeping our users and clients up to date. We have people who don't even know what we have, and it's been available for years. Steve and Sean were talking about almost having to resell our existing clients on the new upgrades and changes. This in-house, virtual up sale, would be based on who is using what and who hasn't even played with the new features, permissions, or functionality. Sean was recommending that we use the system to see who is using what. We can tell, we just haven't written those pages to check on some of the different usage areas. If we use the system, that would help us figure out usage and compliance from the backend. We could then make a more targeted approach to who needs some follow-up and possibly some handholding. The goal would be to help our clients keep moving forward.

Steve was talking about a simple child's game of red light/green light and playing that with our clients. Red means no, yellow means not all the way, and green means yes or they are using it - meaning features, tools, permissions, and functionality. As a side note, we have to respect and use caution, just because we could check out what our users and clients are doing and using, doesn't mean that we should do that on every aspect. It could flip and go the wrong way and turn into spying. Not that we want it to get there, just saying, you have to be careful and only cross certain lines. This is a small poke, but if you don't define some lines, you may end up like Google and know way too much about your users (just being silly).

Our goal would be deeper customer care and helping our users be more engaged, entrenched, and/or sticky. If we help them get what they want and need, we become more needed and in demand. We want to get them all the way in, so that they love adilas and don't want to leave.

"Use technology to keep pushing our product!" - Wayne Moore, years and years ago, speaking to Steve and I. Small little quote that Steve keeps bringing up from time to time.

At the end of the session, John was showing me his super backend admin site and documentation. We talked about getting things written down and also the security risk of doing that. There are pros and cons. Wayne joined and we got into a small discussion about permissions and roles.