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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Eric Tauer
Created By: Eric Tauer
Created Date/Time: 8/3/2021 1:54 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8098
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Sales Tax Aggregates Work Session
Start Date/Time: 8/9/2021 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 8/9/2021 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Eric, Steve, and I going over how we are going to help book earned credits from early payment for sales tax. Most of the session was research and getting back into some of the older tables and what not. This is a continuation of the sales tax aggregation project that Eric has been working on. Here are some notes.

We will need:
new expense types
roll-ups per day per location

top_secret/secure/add_edit_groupings.cfm - adilas page that handles the financial groupings and sub groupings.

type=16 >> expense types >> chart_of_account_type (table name) - global

1 - destination >> money_destination_id (column name) >> id's >> 2=BS, 3=P&L >> money_destinations (table name) - global

2 - category >> currently we allow for financial_category_id (column name) of id's 8=cost of sales, 9=normal expense, and 5=special expense >> global >> financial_categories (table name)
- may need to add a new one "Other Revenue (credits) - steve was voting no on this
- maybe use the one id=7=Other Revenue (not from sales)

3 - groups >> financial_groups (table name) (changeable)
- looking to stick with an existing one called other revenue

4 - sub groups >> financial_group_subs (table name) (changeable)
- looking to make a new one per corp called "Credits Earned"
- tie it other revenue on the grouping

5 - expense types >> chart_of_accounts (table name) (changeable)
- looking to make a new one per corp called "Sales Tax"
- back tie it to the credits earned and other revenue

- all five of the paths
I.S. - Other Revenue (not from sales) - Other Revenue - Credits Earned - Sales Tax