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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Dan A Shuford
Created By: Dan A Shuford
Created Date/Time: 4/12/2021 1:57 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 7675
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: id 2001 modal message marketing with Danny
Start Date/Time: 4/19/2021 4:00 pm
End Date/Time: 4/19/2021 5:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Steve and Cory were talking about billing and finances for the first little bit. After that, it turned into a meeting with both Steve, Danny, and I going over some options for doing internal messaging and bypassing text messaging. These would be direct communication messages to a client based on a valid login through the ecommerce or customer portal section of the site. This meeting was mostly lead by Steve and Danny. I was adding in ideas and options, but mainly it was a brainstorming session. Here are a few topics that were discussed.

- Options for internal messaging and message marketing

- Start by making a plan

- Allowing the customer to mark things as read and even being able to somewhat control their own experience on how those messages are presented

- Taking things to the next level

- Helping Danny learn some project management tricks and techniques - he has great vision, he just needs to be willing to jump in and help form up those dreams

- Building and planning for the dream

Towards the end of the meeting, Steve and I worked a little bit on a data import file. The goal is to use a template based system and then be able to speed up data imports. That gets tough as almost every one is slightly different. Trying to get the cogs of the zipper closer together, one cog at a time.