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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 2/22/2021 9:20 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 7538
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Wayne and our model - our stack
Start Date/Time: 4/21/2021 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 4/21/2021 2:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Met with Wayne for about an hour and a half. We were going over VPN (virtual private networks), FTP (file transfer protocol), and other server/computer stuff. We also got into some discussion on the adilas model and what our "stack" is: The stack is what technologies and software/hardware pieces make up your environment or production stack.

We talked about a number of things. Here are some simple, but general notes:

Our Database Stack is: Linux CentOS 7 and Percona MySQL 5.7

Our Webserver/Application Stacks is: Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, IIS 10, and Adobe ColdFusion 2018

We also went over some other stack features and monitoring software systems. These are things like:

PaperTrail - Centralized logging
Pingdom - Alerting and monitoring
Nagios - Alerting and monitoring
Cacti - Metrics, usage, loads, graphs, and visuals - we use this very heavily on the database side of things
FusionReactor - Optional ColdFusion monitoring system - able to turn on/off - detailed ColdFusion performance monitoring, tracking, debugging, and statics

Wayne also said, that if anyone wanted more details, we could refer them to him. He is very knowledgeable, that is awesome! Towards the end of the meeting, Wayne was showing us some other fun and high-level (geek) type stuff that he likes to play around with. He loves this kind of thing.