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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Dan A Shuford
Created By: Dan A Shuford
Created Date/Time: 11/20/2020 11:00 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 7114
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: SEO options with John and Danny
Start Date/Time: 11/23/2020 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 11/23/2020 11:15 am
Main Status: Active

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Going over option for inserting meta data in key pages. Danny was heading up a discussion about SEO (search engine optimization) with John M and myself. I was taking notes and the other guys were commenting and providing ideas and info. We started out with intellectual property and went from there. Here are the basic notes.

- IP - intellectual property - natural flood - you can't copyright or trademark or paten things that already exists... if we flood the area with prior art, that effectively prevents others from claiming things as their own intellectual property. Fun discussion about where we are headed. We are sharing to protect ourselves.

- SEO - buzz word - science and art of making things show up for searches and on search engines

- Seen and unseen - matching SEO content with real natural content - light talks about the history (good and bad) of SEO

- Marketing and getting a new website for adilas - we really want to get a good plan in place and then follow that plan - up until now, it has been a very natural progression that just sort of happens. We want to be more specific and deliberate on our efforts, messages, and marketing. It is time.

- We have a bunch of different levels - main website, secured content (SEO not needed - due to login and permissions), shop (ecommerce - a little bit more tricky), web/API sockets, and other pages and documentation.

- Web content - they virtually and really score your site based on responsive design (mobile ready), same domain name (traffic and visits), amount of time on that domain (frequency and length of time on certain sites), reciprocal links (who links to who), matching content (good natural content), etc. Going over the basics.

- Meta data - key words, buzz words, include photos and videos with built-in meta data

- Sometimes it is the little itty bitty things that help - small things but a lot of small things really start adding up - almost like a virtual score sheet

- We don't want to do anything that is sketchy... off canvas text, hidden things, tags and random content, etc. Play well and be honest.

- We want a main landing page and home base that deals with what adilas is and does (as a whole). This is not industry specific, but who and what are we.

- Animated story lines and time lines

- Some other links - see chat - elevator sales pitch, presentation gallery, outline, chuck's new sales tools, etc. - adilas formula - elevator pitch - presentation gallery outline - internal questionnaire summaries (sill working on this - progress)

- Put Danny in charge of the team - pick a team, get a plan in place, set a budget, and help to roll things out.

- What do we want to sell and pitch? Up to this point, we have been pretty off the hip... we need a strategic plan as we go forward. It is time.