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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 11/4/2020 11:46 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 7094
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Quarterly client services meeting with Euflora
Start Date/Time: 2/2/2021 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 2/2/2021 11:00 am
Main Status: Active

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- Talking about some timeout issues - say all of the items at once, or all sales for the year, or all invoice line items per vendor for a time period

- Captcha images - sort of a pain

- Cloudflare - bouncing bad traffic and dealing with caching issues

- Potential 3rd party API traffic and clogging the pipelines

- Timelines for aggregated totals, sums, counts, averages, totals, etc.

- From adilas, our current aggregated report priorities are: 1) Vendor List, 2) Item List, 3) Customers, 4) Sales Data

- As a note, the lists mentioned above will help with data normalization and flow of the data uphill and downhill

- Using the adilas API sockets to pull all of the data and do their own aggregation type totals - Steve Palmer - has some ideas there

- Steve Berkenkotter chimed in and talked about how we have one client who gets all of the data (certain tables) pushed over to a separate server and then they run their data aggregation from that other outside dedicated server. Set it up and push it out daily.

- Once we get some of the aggregation stuff done, it will automatically start going and flowing into enterprise level settings and reports

- Figuring out other possible workarounds to make it happen - within the specified timelines - being creative and pushing and pulling data as needed

- Routing and being creative on the distribution and delivery options that they are coming up with - once again very creative and using some of their own tech guys to build out the solutions - kudos

- Introducing John M. to the Euflora guys - he is local in Denver and is helping Wayne on the servers. Better access to backend tech contacts.

- Talking about servers, resources, monitoring, specs, etc. - allowing our clients to go in and watch and monitor those servers

- Steve B. was talking about some of the new flex attributes for customers. Also sub invoice types for invoices.

- Steve P. is using the invoice history options to help record special customer meta data and delivery options. Creative!