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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/25/2020 3:40 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6805
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Steve McNew
Start Date/Time: 8/27/2020 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 8/27/2020 11:15 am
Main Status: Active

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Initial Audit Questions.pdf   Doc/PDF 8/27/2020 This is a list of discussion questions from Steve McNew - internal software auditor who is working with us and helping us out. Some of these questions are for the big dogs... say military level contracts, but the concepts apply to all of us who are trying to play the game.


Steve McNew gave me a call and we chatted for just over half an hour. He is working on doing an internal audit of how we run things. See attached for some of his questions that he sent over to me prior to the main meeting. As a funny side note, I read through the questions and virtually gave myself an "F" or a failing grade if I had to answer the questions as I perceive them. Having said that, as Steve McNew and I were talking, we actually do a ton of those things, we just do them in our own way that works for our size and style of business.

One thing that I thought was interesting was how Steve approached the questions and my answers. He seemed very open minded and really seems to want to mix the solution to match the customer (us) vs just forcing certain things. I really enjoyed that in our conversation. Also, the more we talked about it, my failing grade went way up, just in our style and format vs a huge super funded development shop. I think that there is hope.

After the meeting with Steve, Wayne and I jumped on the GoToMeeting session to chat about some things. We talked about the content server, new files, and options for a date purge project that needs some loving. Good conversation and we hopefully figured out where we are headed. He is doing a great job and has taken tons of pressure off of me.

As a side note, while I was talking to Steve about our processes, he asked - what is a topic that needs more attention? I said "depth" meaning depth to our staffing. Currently, if anyone were to die, get hurt, or have some sort of major issue, we would be in some trouble. There are great people working with us, but we don't have a ton of depth in who can take over if something goes wrong.

Another couple things that I wanted to record were some random thoughts from my conversation with Steve.

- We tend to expand and add on to projects so that they will fit more than one person or need - this often requires settings, named aliases, and other rules and/or parameters vs just hard coding things.

- We are very flexible and come in as a low cost solution. For example: $5K with a big company may not even get you in the door... where as $5K with us gets you a full meal - per say.

- Systems thinking - because we have all of the underlying pieces, we can mix and bled together really well. Having the whole system allows us to play differently than other software solutions. We have 12 main players, 12 primary business functions, and are built on tons of core unchanging principles. I love it. adilas formula 101.

- Because we are a web based tool, we can be very quick and nimble. Instead of having one huge program that needs to recompiled and be deployed as a huge piece, we have thousands of smaller dynamic web pages that make up the whole. Those smaller pieces allow us to go in and make changes quickly and deploy them daily. Some see that as negative, but we love it and use those dynamic pieces every day. Lots of smaller interconnected building pieces (Legos).

- Our whole infrastructure and location of where we play changes every day... we have to be somewhat dynamic in order to keep going. If we were too rigid, we may break. Granted that we need some more polishing and refinement, but we bend with the wind pretty well and that is important where we play and how we play.

- We are striving to be our own style. That is important. We have fun and have a burning passion for what we are doing and trying to capture our own dreams and allow for the dreams of others. We truly have a stable and dynamic business platform. And, we keep building and refining it everyday. That is awesome!