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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 8/24/2020 6:15 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6803
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Steve, Brandon, Calvin and Cory label discussion
Start Date/Time: 9/1/2020 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 9/1/2020 3:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Meeting with Calvin, Steve, and I. Cory was unable to make it. Both Calvin and Steve were talking tons about text message marketing and possibilities to use Calvin's GMext text marking tool and combining it with adilas contacts, options, and using it as an internal 3rd party solution offering. Lot of potential there. Here are some of the notes from the meeting:

- People keep wanting things to be easier and easier. We have the same requests for text messaging and for labels. We want it, we also want it easier and easier.

- There were talks about the onboarding process and being able to do it or set things up by yourself.

- There was some discussion about text messages and the cannabis industry. The two of them went over some history, lessons learned, and some of the legalities.

- Texting deals with phone numbers. There are things called short codes and long codes. This deals with the length of the phone number. A normal number like (555) 555-5555 is considered a long code. A number like 55555 is considered a short code. They talked about pros and cons and levels of regulations for those numbers or values.

- We talked about Twilio and tying those services into adilas for different text messaging services.

- We have a 3rd party solution that is trying to leave the text messaging arena. There were talks about maybe seeing what they have and seeing if we wanted to take over any of that and/or reuse some of those pieces. Just talks and discussions. No plans were made here. Just options.

- Circling aback around to labeling - we would love to get that code on our (adilas) side of the fence.

- There were talks about how that could look and what kind of structure would need to be in place (transfer of code ownership and maintenance responsibility). Along those lines we talked about building projects and tools (one process), supporting those products (a whole other process), and extended updates and service plans (ongoing maintenance for those products - a whole other process as well). All of those things need to be considered. Who plays what role and how do we play together?

- To make super cool web-based tools, we keep seeing more and more need for high level JavaScript developers and coders. Spencer Garner, who does some adilas stuff, was mentioned. There are others and we could even potentially farm it out if needed to other or outside developers.

- The GMext product comes in a light version and a professional version. The big difference is how many texts need to be sent at one time. The GMext light version can only send up to 1,000 texts at a time. The GMext professional version is able to configure multiple long code numbers to run in tandem and thus be able to send more messages at once. Each setup of the professional version needs to be manually setup in order to get the correct number of outbound phone numbers (long codes).

- The discussion turned into topics of automated vs manual process and which scenario works best for what application and client base.

- They got into discussions about predictive marketing and even AI (artificial intelligence) stuff.

- Being able to use classic desktop software, web based version, and mobile responsive versions. Most things are leaning towards the web based and mobile versions of those products.

- Good marketing requires a plan and then being able to execute that plan over and over again. At some point, you need to pass the marketing load and decisions on to the users (until the predictive and/or AI stuff is ready to use and deploy).

- Calvin is using AWS and Lamda functions to do some of the magic for his text messaging stuff.

- We talked about being able to schedule outbound text messages. Calvin showed us a small demo. We recorded, but he asked that we not make it public. See note at the bottom of this page for more info on how to get to the video.

- This is a page with a bunch of GMext light videos from Calvin - anyone who wants to learn more may go here -

- At the very end... we spent 5 or so minutes talking about the adilas label builder. Calvin and Brandon will meet and make other plans there. Most of the meeting today was dealing with touching base and text messages and GMext marketing tools and options.

We also recorded a small 7 minute video that showed Calvin using GMext light. He setup a couple quick contacts, assigned those contacts to a group, and then prepped and scheduled a text message to that group. It is inside of the adilas shop, but he asked us not to publish it via this element of time. Just go to the media/content advanced search and search for "GMext" and find the video with the date of 9/1/20.