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Color Code: Purple
Assigned To: Russell A Moore
Created By: Russell A Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/17/2020 3:39 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6761
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Russell
Start Date/Time: 8/20/2020 3:00 pm
End Date/Time: 8/20/2020 4:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Zoom session with Russell. We started out and he showed me some of the new things that he is working on, including some dynamic help menus and smaller in-line help files for certain pages and features.

We got talking about mobile ready and responsive web pages and web apps. We also talked about native apps built for iOS and Android phones. As a note, even though some of our pages are mobile ready and built using responsive web pages, our main application is really designed for computer and desktop type environments. We require so much real estate to show and do what we do. You can do it on a phone, but it is easier on a laptop, tablet, or desktop system.

We may need to come up with and design a full mobile app that really slims things down - some of those screens have such small screen real estate.

Russell and I spent some time and ran queries on each server to get some counts and status on who is using what features. We were only looking at two of them, but it was interesting to see the differences between servers. After looking at the data, we decided that we could get rid of a couple of settings that aren't being used. It will simplify our code on certain pages.

Our final topic for the day was an overview of the summer projects that Russell and his team have been working on. I think it looks great. We got a new classic homepage, new corp admin page, new corp-wide settings page, new user homepage, and they are working on new payee/user profiles, permissions and stored roles projects. I think things are looking great. As part of the meeting, Russell and I went over some of the reports, dollars spent, and hours worked. We looked at some of his summary reports and chatted about things. Good meeting.