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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 7/20/2020 9:06 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6624
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 8/31/2020 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 8/31/2020 11:15 am
Main Status: Active

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Cory jumped in and was checking in and asking some questions. Danny had some questions on sub inventory and we went over things and even did some backend database stuff to do some show and tell on the subject. Steve and Sean were talking about sales stuff.

After everybody else left, Steve and Sean and I were talking about sales.

- Where is the sweet spot? If you find that, that could make all of the difference. Steve is seeing the sweet spot a little bit above mom and pop shops and even up into multiple locations or multiple corporations. That seems to be our niche (what we we can tell right now).

- The other major needs are in the high level operations and high level accounting. As a side note, Steve and Cory are working with a CPA firm and they are actively funding a number of projects - meaning the CPA firm.

- We currently have a small internal audit going on for code, processes, and procedures. We are excited to see what that turns over. We are hoping nothing too crazy but hopefully a focus point and/or a way to make things better and better.

- Lots of talks about figuring things out and being your own style.

- We are where we are, size wise, and will keep growing, as naturally as possible.

- Using that old notion to use other people's money to fund your business. We would like to keep working on getting other clients to keep putting in money to help pay for our development efforts. They get what they want and we keep pushing things forward.

- Steve would like to keep expanding our model like we have the custom code and development side. We have made some great strides there in the last six months. For the record, it has taken about 5 years to get here but things are really starting to click and lightbulbs are starting to go off (ideas and comprehension).

- Being able to offer a robust solution and allowing for our customers to customize and add customization seems to be a good mix for us.

- There was some talk about being able to show our current clients what we have to offer. Sometimes we or they get so busy, they may not even know that new features are available and may help them in their business and/or solve a current need. It comes down to communication and being able to help and show those things. It gets pretty deep some times.

- Steve and Sean were talking about menu boards and other tech stuff. It just keeps going. There was also some talks on hardware/software bundles and what not.

- Pain is a good indicator of where we need to focus.

- One of the things that we do well is trying to figure things out and tweaking what we've got to make that happen. We also try to tweak and figure things out based on what our users are saying and what we are finding out.

- Steve is making business decisions. Our top three priorities have been: 1. Servers and stability, 2. Cash flow and sales, and 3. Look and feel. Not done yet, but the servers are getting close to being done. That is awesome. The next one, cash flow and sales, is starting to move up the priority list.

- Aggregation and talking about where we want to go... Right now, we lean very heavily on the transactional data structure. We would love to add different levels of aggregation and moving out of the current dependence on the transactional data level. As a thought... think about daily transactional data being aggregated into daily records, weekly records, monthly records, and then annual records. Think how fast some of that data could be searched vs millions of transactional data with table joins, indexes, and crazy deep stacking and logic. Get those numbers out on their own and become quick and searchable. That would save tons of horsepower and server usage. Currently, we have a virtual super highway built directly to the transactional data. It works, but that is not the long-term solution. The long-term solution is to get into aggregation.

- Things are already fracturing (fracture) by us cutting things into smaller and smaller pieces. We want to keep that going. We are working hard to figure out our model and where best to focus.

- Our mission statement, from Steve, is to help our customers succeed. That is pretty simple.

- If a project is part of accounting or operations, cool, we are interested and open to discussion.

- We are just a big toolset.

- Dealing with tools, JSON (javascript object notation) is a tool but somewhat of a lightweight tool for retrieval and searching. It is great to store things but not so easy to use in high availability type models where everything needs to be edited, searched, and tied together. Make sure and only use it where it makes sense. We've been burned there before. JSON works great if you need to store something and then you only need it on a 1 to 1 ratio (no joins, no cross ties, and/or no dynamic searching). There are other tools that have performance and built-in options that are better.

- Predictive use of data - The more we can prep and get things ready, what is close at hand, the quicker we could make things. This almost gets into AI (artificial intelligence) and guessing what the user or client will need next. Prep with a purpose. Think of an artist and their working pallet, they surely have tons of supplies, brushes, paint, rules, pencils, etc. However, they know what project they are currently doing and thus adjust their virtual artist's pallet to match that job. As the job/tasks changes, they may need to alter what their pallet contains. That is totally ok.

- How do we help solve some of these needs... We aggregate, we split, we divide, we are trying to move into predictive realms, etc. Things are fracturing right under us but that is part of what we are trying to do and/or capitalize on.

- Our current model is very heavy on the transactional side or transaction based level. Eventually, we want to keep pushing into aggregate or enterprise type levels. Think of master lists, master catalogs, summing up data, quick stats (totals, counts, graphs, etc.), normalizing data, and being more effective at higher levels. 

- Our model seems to be moving more into a customizable reoccurring monthly platform as a service (PaaS) with all of the underlying services that help and support that model. We have dished things off for years to outside 3rd parties and independent contractors. We are seeing that we could provide both, the dynamic business platform as well as the supportive services that go along with that. This is funny side note, but Brandon has often said that whoever controls the service side of the business will be 10 times (10x) more value than the actual platform itself. The business platform is the catalyst and keeps things linked together, but the services help keep it going, building, and create the level of satisfaction that is needed. In Steve's words, it makes companies sticky - meaning they want and rely on our products, services, and business platform.

- People play in these areas... a reason, a season, and a life time.

- Growth and progression over time.

- Super glad for the water that went under the bridge - aka lessons learned.

- Delegation and association - In an employee model, they use delegation a lot. In an independent type model, you may end up using association more than direct delegation. Small but interesting word play.