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Color Code: Purple
Assigned To: Russell A Moore
Created By: Russell A Moore
Created Date/Time: 7/15/2020 11:08 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6606
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Russell
Start Date/Time: 7/21/2020 3:00 pm
End Date/Time: 7/21/2020 4:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
Random_tick_list_for_the_fracture_project.docx   Doc/Text 7/22/2020 Ideas for fracture. Just dumping ideas... no organization and/or structure yet. Just collecting and dumping ideas.


Russell and I merged in some code and then talked about projects. We also spent some time talking about fracture stuff (where we are headed). Russell has a lot of good information there and has a dream and a vision already in his head. I'd love to capitalize on that see if we can get those ideas out of his head and on paper and/or recorded somewhere. Here are just a few things...

- Russell really wants to organize the core with specific sections. He has a drawing that he does to explain some of the pieces. Basically, imagine a center core that is round. On the top and both sides, there is a known slot where something may be inserted into it. Imagine a slot for special logic and/or a controller. Another for classes and/or a model (structure of the objects and pieces). And yet another for the visual or view portion. Somewhat of an MVC (model, view, controller) type model.

- Relating to the core with special insert points, each of the insert pieces (logic, view, what) would allow for both industry specific code and custom code. Basically, You set the core up so that it can and is able to handle things (code, views, logic, other objects) that change the core without hurting the core.

- Along those same lines, for fracture, Russell would like to have two different types of API's - One would be a rest (URL or path based) API. The other API socket would be for things like graph QL or some other type of API socket.

- One of the goals of this new interface and/or application would be to have the ability to reach out to other industries and be able to swap out the pieces to virtually make the application or platform switch clothes or be able to change as if the application was switching clothes and/or modes of operation. Dynamic core, known plug-ins per industry, and ability to flip/flop without affecting the core. On purpose built that way.

- What if we could... be able to... handle all custom needs? Be able to handle all industry specific needs and all core needs? That would be a very flexible and dynamic architecture and/or design. We want to head in that direction.

- We used to say something like... You dream it up, we'll help you wire it up. What if you could say, Dream it up, you wire it up? Basically, give the power to wire it up to the persons who are using it... That would be so cool. Real live world building and/or setting up their own data assembly lines. That would be super cool.

- Headless CMS (content management systems) - Headless CMS storage for your data. We offer a huge and configurable database and backend app or toolset. You get to decide how you want to use it and what you want to do with it.

- Along those same lines... if we want to reskin the app for a different industry, we do the same thing that our users do, we just do it in bulk to accommodate more than just one company at a time (think bulk setting changes and/or industry specific themes or modules). It is still a headless CMS storage system for your data and your business flow. It just deals with are we configuring it or are you (as a company or user) configuring it. We both use the same tools.